Code of Conduct
Al-Rayan International School
ARIS Guidelines on the Enforcement of Positive Culture
(A Restorative Approach)
ARIS Core Purpose
“We are a diverse community of learners that are committed to inspire, empower and transform for a better world.”
Interpretation of these guidelines 8
Restored Approach to Practice 11
Network, Passwords, Settings 22
Email, Messaging, & Etiquette 23
Files, Other Content, & Privacy 23
Attendance: Extended Absence 31
Attendance: Co-curricular Activities 31
ARIS is one of the leading IB World Schools, not just in Ghana but Africa as a whole, as it sets on a journey towards inclusion, collaboration, and innovation. The ARIS Educational Model is centred on our students' personalised learning, performance, and experiences, giving an ode to student agency as they take ownership of their learning. With the development and growth of our counselling and support department, ARIS prioritises
Student well-being with the ARIS Wellbeing Model. ARIS students are, by all means, at the centre of all growth and development as we move towards more creativity and more innovation to prepare 21st-century learners for the future full of possibilities that await.
As members of the ARIS community, you will be expected to follow the guidelines in this document. The rules and procedures are established for the welfare of the entire student body. Follow these and be proud of your school. You will be representing ARIS wherever you go.
We are a diverse learning community of learners that are committed to Inspire, Empower and Transform for a better world.
- Greatness in Everyone
- Learning with Everyone
- Creativity and Innovation by Everyone
- Change for Everyone
- Responsibility and Respect
- Passion and Mindfulness
- Collaboration and Communication
- Reflection and Action
We celebrate diversity and welcome all members of our community. We believe that teachers, staff, and parents share the responsibility to provide quality instruction, model conscientious behaviour, and assist students in learning to make good decisions based on ARIS Core Values and ARIS Characteristics.
We honour and respect the dignity of all individuals. We believe that diversity and multicultural education are essential as we prepare students to live and work in an ever-evolving, complex society.
We educate students to contribute to the community and transform it, to use their knowledge and talents to critically examine and engage the world inspired by ARIS Core Values. We believe that the whole person is integral to learning. We attend to each student's intellectual, physical, emotional, and interpersonal well-being and provide a safe and enriching environment to foster creativity and innovation.
Interpretation of these guidelines
The school- management reserves the right to interpret the rules and policies of this guidebook as individual situations and needs arise. Such interpretations will consider the following two principles:
- All questionable and enabling behaviour must be addressed and confronted for the good of the individual
- When there is a conflict of interest, the common good shall prevail.
As a means to strengthen our relationship between Parents/Guardians and school, we offer the following guidelines, which provide for open, honest, and effective communication between parents and our ARIS faculty and staff.
There are two basic principles stated below that guide our communication policy.
- We encourage and welcome questions from students and parents. Sharing appropriate information in the context of a discussion often resolves concerns or conflicts.
- Parents and students should not be afraid to raise questions or concerns. Parents and students can expect our faculty and staff to respect the basic principles of confidentiality.
We hope students will feel free to approach their teachers, mentors, program coordinators, and senior management staff with any concerns or questions. We ask that parents allow and encourage their children to develop and practice this critical communication skill. If a student is unwilling to attempt to resolve an issue or, after trying, does not feel the issue is resolved, a parent is asked to contact the Homeroom Teacher, Mentor, and Head of School.
Generally, students and parents should direct their questions or concerns to ARIS faculty and staff members in the following sequence:
- Homeroom Teacher, Mentor and Program Coordinator via email.
- If more discussion is necessary, then a meeting can be set with the Program Coordinator and Head of School by appointment.
- Concerning Managebac and Google Classroom, as well as any other technology-related issue, parents are encouraged to discuss the matter with their ward and their homeroom teacher. Parents are encouraged to contact our Tech Coach, Madam Temi, the IT Manager, Madam Nausheen, and the Head of School if there is still a problem.
- All general questions regarding academics and curriculum should be directed to the appropriate program coordinator and head of school.
- Questions involving discipline should be directed to the Head of School.
- Questions related to athletics/ Co-Curricular Activities or activities should be directed to Madam Dayna/ Mariam and Athletic Coordinator, Mr Issac
- Individual concerns about a student’s social and emotional development should be directed to Dr Funke ( Clinical Psychologist).
Our senior management team has high regard for our faculty's professionalism and judgment. However, we know that teachers and coaches can make mistakes or sometimes make poor judgment calls. If the teacher or coach determines that an error occurred after reviewing the situation, we expect the teacher or coordinator to take the necessary steps to correct the situation. We clearly state that we expect our teachers and staff to treat students and parents with dignity and respect. We also expect parents and students to be courteous to teachers and other staff members and to respect their professional judgment, even if the outcome is not the solution the parent or student was looking for.
- Have an open attitude.
- Engage in authentic listening.
- Reflect on what you are hearing.
- Ask thoughtful questions.
- Be open to learning and teaching.
- Avoid defensiveness.
As faculty and staff, we enjoy focusing on the many students who are positive influences in our community. Students' good behaviour is frequently recognised. We are committed to fostering a culture in which students are coached and mentored on appropriate school behaviour. Students sometimes fail to act positively, and they will be held accountable. Consequences will be applied due to the severity of the offence. A poor choice will result in any level of write-up. A student may be suspended or expelled at any point within the referral process if deemed necessary by the administration. However, the normal course of disciplinary action is outlined in the documents below.
In addition to the specifics outlined in the following pages, students must recognize their responsibilities to the ARIS community. Students are expected to exercise self-discipline and exhibit appropriate behaviour in their relationships with others. Students are expected to respect the rights of other members of the ARIS community and the school. It is the responsibility of every student and parent/guardian to read this information carefully and be aware of the consequences of behaviour that is inconsistent with ARIS Core Values and Characteristics.
Restored Approach to Practice
Restorative Approach Practices at ARIS provides an opportunity for students to come together to address the inappropriate/ harmful behaviour within the school community. In therapeutic practice, we use the three principles of fair process and the Aris Core Values.
The three principles are
- Engagement – involving all participants in the process (offender, offended, witness)
- Explanation – shared understanding
- Expectation Clarity—a clear vision for the future
- Responsibility and Respect
- Passion and Mindfulness
- Collaboration and Communication
- Reflection and Action
The behaviour committee is composed of the Director, Head of School, Emotional Counsellor, and the Deputy Head of Students’ Affairs and the program coordinators. The committee meets every alternate Wednesday to serve the students’ needs better. The team may recommend students join one of the various support groups or see the school psychologist. The school's counselling department routinely sees students at their request or the request of a parent or staff member. Information will be uploaded in the Managebac.
Level 1 Behaviour Minor Concern |
On or off-campus, social media Violation of campus posted essential agreements in any school-related setting: classroom, library, playground, canteen, washroom, hallway, and/or field trip, including classroom disruptions, excessive talking, note passing, being unprepared for class or being late to class (one-time occurrence) Inappropriate language in any dialect or language; physical aggression (pushing, shoving, pinching, etc.); rough play; non-compliance; teasing, taunting (physical or verbal). Intervention: The student will be respectfully removed from the situation and calmly asked what is happening. These behaviours always have to be addressed immediately. This “verbal warning” is the first step of the response and is documented in the Managebac by the teacher who is involved in the incident and notifies the Homeroom teacher. If the behaviour continues, the respective mentor should be notified. The student may be required to complete a “reflection sheet” with the homeroom teacher. The person is responsible for follow-up action: Teacher or staff member who witnesses behaviour. Consequence(s): Students’ behaviour will be logged into Managebac by the teacher who has seen or is directly involved in this process. The Deputy Head will review the behaviour logs at least once a week and rank the students' behaviour accordingly. If a student's behaviour is of concern, the Deputy Head will meet the student and the mentor within 24 hrs. The Deputy Head of Students Affairs will notify Parents via Managebac. |
Level 2 Behaviour Moderate Concern |
On or off-campus use of social media, Truancy; academic dishonesty (cheating/plagiarism/collusion), fighting (physical), damage to school properties (unintentional), being late to or not prepared for class repeatedly (2 or more times in a week or two weeks in a row); inappropriate use of devices; damage of school property, inappropriate behaviour ( not sexual), and repetitive behaviours where the student is not following the essential agreements for a sustained period. Intervention: Homeroom Teacher and Student will complete the “reflection sheet”.The deputy head and mentor will be notified. The incident will be logged on ManageBac by the staff who witnessed the incident. The student’s parents will be notified via Managebac email by the Deputy Head/ Program Coordinator. The person responsible for follow-up action: A staff member who witnesses behaviour, Program Coordinator, Homeroom Teacher Consequence(s): Students are referred to the school counsellor to establish behavioural objectives. The student's behaviour will be monitored for two weeks (daily reflective behavioural log), and the Deputy Head will contact parents to provide feedback on their child's progress. If a student's behaviour continues to deteriorate, they will be referred to the Counselling Department, and the Head of School will be notified. The Head of the School and the committee will meet to discuss the next steps. Students can be suspended for a day to a week based on the type of infraction. The Head of school / Deputy Head of student affairs will issue a letter of suspension to the parents via managebac. |
Level Behaviour Serious Concern |
On or off-campus use of social media The Cause of Suspension: Fighting (defined as actions that leave marks or require medical attention); Forgery, Theft; A repeat of academic dishonesty, Intentional property damage for school or others; Use or possession of tobacco or tobacco-related, mood-altering products; Abusive language (threats of physical harm, offensive racial/sexual comments) Endangering the safety of self or others, Leaving school campus without the knowledge of school authorities, Inappropriate behaviour ( sexual ) in the school campus. Consequence(s)Suspension: Consequences for students who engage in level 3 behaviour may include suspension from the classroom or school for some time, at the discretion of the Head of Secondary and the Director. Before the student returns to school or the classroom, he or she will sign an individualised behaviour contract to put measures in place for improvement and be referred to the Counselling Department. Intervention: Students should be immediately directed to the Head of Secondary, and the Deputy Head of School will complete the incident form in ManageBac. The Head of Secondary will notify parents and arrange a meeting with them to discuss the student’s behaviour. The ARIS Behaviour Committee will be involved when necessary. All contacts should be documented in ManageBac, which will be uploaded by the Deputy Head/ Head of the School. The person responsible for follow-up action: Head of School/Deputy Head/ staff member who witnesses behaviour (Behaviour Committee when necessary). Cause of Expulsion Repeat of level 2 behaviour multiple times, Arson; Use or possession of alcohol; use or possession of drugs or edibles; use or possession of weapons; inappropriate sexual behaviour on School Campus; throwing dangerous objects to hurt someone, inappropriate use of social media that damage the school reputation and any others that may be deemed as serious offences. Consequence(s) Expulsion: Consequences for students who engage in level 3 behaviour may include expulsion( permanent)) from the school at the discretion of the Director and Board. The procedure for expulsion is as follows:
Level 1 Write-up: Minor Behaviours
The student’s behaviour will be logged into ManageBac by the teacher who has witnessed or is directly involved in this process. The HOS and Deputy Head will review the behaviour logs at least once a month and rank the students' behaviour accordingly. If a student's behaviour is of concern, the Deputy Head will meet with the student and the program coordinator. The Deputy Head will notify parents via ManageBac. Students will be referred to school counsellors to set their behaviour goals. The student’s behaviour will be tracked for two weeks (daily reflective behavioural log) and parents will be contacted by the Deputy Head to provide feedback on their child’s progress. If students' behaviour does not improve, they will be requested to complete an individual behaviour contract.
After 3- level 1 write-ups, the Program Coordinator and the Head of School will be notified, and a written note will be sent home via Managebac.
Level 2 Write-up: Moderate Behaviours
The student’s behaviour will be logged into ManageBac by the teacher who has witnessed or is directly involved in this process. The teacher will notify the deputy head and the program coordinator.
The Deputy Head and student will complete the “reflection sheet”. The Deputy Head will consult with the respective Program Coordinator. The reflection sheet will be uploaded on ManageBac. The student’s parents will be notified via Managebac email by the Deputy Head, and a parent conference will be set with HOS, Deputy Head, and Program Coordinator. Students will be referred to school counsellors to set their behaviour goals. The students will be required to complete an individual behaviour contract. Students will be on contract for two weeks to 6 months, decided by HOS and the committee..
Level 3 Write-up: Severe Behaviours
Any Level 3 write-up will result in a severe consequence which may include, but is not limited to, suspension or expulsion. Parents will be called for a meeting. The Director, Head of School, Deputy Head, ( based on the type of infraction) and program coordinator, along with the teacher who has witnessed the incident and the student, will be present at the meeting. A follow-up letter will be sent home via Managebac.
As a means of handling a disciplinary problem, students will be given detention at the discretion of the Deputy head and subject teacher or Program Coordinator. Detention will occur in the respective Homeroom and supervised by the mentor or subject teacher after school until 4 PM. If the detention is not served within two days of being assigned and no communication around the detention has occurred, the penalty will double, or alternative consequences could be given.
Detention is 40 minutes under the supervision of a teacher. During detention, students will reflect on their actions and write a reflection on guiding questions. Students must understand that detention always precedes athletic practices, work, and appointments. If necessary, a Saturday detention may be assigned, including working for an ARIS staff member.
Students with excessive tardies, absences (excused or unexplained), and/or disciplinary referrals will be placed on a behaviour contract. The Deputy Head of student affairs will contact parents of students placed on behaviour contracts via managebac and phone call. A parent meeting with the Deputy Head will be scheduled. When a student is placed on a behaviour contract, he or she is expected to make significant improvements in a specific discipline area, or else the student may be asked to leave the school. All level 2 infractions fall into contracts.
Students who are suspended will serve the suspension for one day to one week, depending upon the infraction. Suspension is a warning to students and parents that the behaviour exhibited is not in keeping with the ARIS CORE VALUES AND CHARACTERISTICS and that if it continues, it will lead to expulsion. Suspension is used for specific behaviour as cited in this policy or when HOS and the Director determine it to be necessary. Parents will always be notified of the suspension, and a conference with the HOS and emotional counsellor will be held before students resume classes. Lessons missed due to a suspension will not count toward the three unexcused absences resulting in a credit loss.
A student who has received a suspension will not participate in school-sponsored extracurricular or social events during the suspension.
Non-privilege Suspension: Students may be suspended from attending school functions (e.g., dances, games, etc.) as an additional consequence for misbehaviour. The HOS will determine the length of time and the conditions of the suspension.
When the student returns to school after the suspension period, he/ she will follow the following steps—
- meet the Emotional school counsellor for a session.
- will be on a daily discipline track, signed daily by the subject teacher, parents, and Homeroom teacher
- will receive a report from the homeroom teacher and counsellor.
- Hos and the counsellor will extend or remove the disciplined track based on the report. All reports will be uploaded to the managebac.
At ARIS, the most severe penalty is expulsion. The HOS will schedule a meeting with the Director, student and his or her parent(s) or guardian (s). The goal of this meeting is to ensure that all facts have been presented. A decision on the student's enrollment at ARIS will be made within seven (7) business days of the meeting, and the family will be notified. Reports/Transcripts will be released only after all outstanding fees have been paid, and all textbooks, library books, and other school-borrowed items have been returned. Expelled students are not permitted to attend school functions or be on school grounds without permission granted by the Director / HOS.
ARIS is a learning community. The best environment for learning is one that promotes and supports healthy and responsible behaviour. ARIS recognises that alcohol, tobacco, vaping, drug use and dependency are potential problems for students and can interfere with their behaviour, learning, and their fullest possible development. ARIS is committed to providing a positive educational environment and addressing chemical abuse and dependency issues as appropriate.
Alcohol / Drugs and vaping policies
No student shall possess, use, sell, distribute, store, deliver, supply, or be under the influence of alcohol or any illegal, controlled, or mood-altering substance, including Vaping Devices, at any time at any place, on or off school property. “Supply” includes hosting a party where alcohol or any illegal controlled or mood-altering substance is present.
Sanctions for Violations
ARIS reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to immediately expel any student who is determined to have possessed, used, sold, distributed, delivered, or supplied any illegal, controlled, or mood-altering substance, including vaping devices or possessed, used, sold, distributed, delivered, or supplied drug paraphernalia, or misused prescription drugs for a first offence on or off school property, at any time.
Throughout the school year, a administration staff member will randomly search students' lockers. If staff discovers chemicals in a locker, car, backpack, or another area, ARIS's alcohol, vaping, and drug policy will be enforced. Tobacco and electronic cigarettes are considered mood-altering chemicals by the ARIS, and students involved in any co-curricular activities who use and/or possess them will face disciplinary action in accordance with the policy.
ARIS offers the use of technology to broaden academic opportunities, enhance school curriculum, and offer students outstanding training in the area of technology. Using technology at school, including the Internet, is a privilege, not a right. Students must agree and adhere to the following policies and procedures if they wish to retain the privilege of using ARIS technology resources.
Mobile Phone
Personal cell phones should be switched off during the school day. Students using mobile phones without teacher permission during the school day will have them confiscated. Acceptable use of Mobile phone Policy is attached HERE.
Wireless headphones and/or earbuds are not to be worn in hallways, Cafeteria/Commons during lunch or lessons unless directed to use them by a teacher. Music may not be listened to on personal devices. High school students must use laptops and headphones/ earbuds for listening to music during Prep time.
Personal electronic devices may be searched if it is believed that a criminal or school violation has occurred.
Network, Passwords, Settings
Students using computers at school will be logged on to the school’s network. When students are connected to the network, all their activity and Internet surfing will be logged, and the school IT team will be able to monitor and check those logs for inappropriate activity. Students may not hack into or attempt to hack into any areas of the secure network or servers. Students are allowed only on the ARIS network. Students may not share their passwords with other people and may not use or attempt to use another person’s password. Students may not steal or attempt to steal other people’s passwords or online files and folders. Students may not change or attempt to change any network or security settings on ARIS hardware.
Internet Use & Safety
Students may not, at any time, access, send or receive material or sites that are illegal, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate. During class, students are expected to use the computers/Tablets as directed by the teacher. ARIS reserves the right to monitor student Internet activity at any time. Students may not clear the history in the browser. Access to the Internet provides students with a vast source of information and other resources. However, the Internet may also expose students to inappropriate content or individuals with malicious intent. For this reason, students should use extreme care and caution while on the Internet. Students are not to divulge personal information such as names, addresses, photos, phone numbers, etc., about themselves, their classmates, teachers, or family members over the Internet. Students who access inappropriate material or sites or delete their browser history may have their computer/ device confiscated and re-imaged, and students will face the consequences as per the behaviour policy.
Files from the Internet is sometimes a necessary operation. However, students should use caution when choosing what to download because your computer’s performance is directly affected by the amount and type of data stored on your laptop. Standard files such as pdf, jpg, Docx and similar files are typically OK to download. You may not download applications. Some examples of items that must not be downloaded include
- Illegal items ( Movies)
- Bandwidth
- Games etc
If students need an application for academic reasons, they must get direct permission from an ARIS teacher, or from an IT Manager. To preserve bandwidth for other users, students should not download any large files or remain connected to streaming data sources (e.g. YouTube, Pandora) for any extended period during the school day.
Email, Messaging, & Etiquette
Students are never to send bulk email from ARIS hardware (bulk email is a message addressed to many recipients and sent without their consent). Using technology to engage in cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking, cyber harassment, etc. is unacceptable and prohibited both on and off campus. All messages or communication of any kind sent from student devices and or ARIS accounts, whether at school or away from school, must contain only appropriate content and may not be used to bully, harass, intimidate, insult, threaten, or gossip. Messages that contain inappropriate pictures, pornography, or derogatory comments about other people will result in appropriate consequences.
Files, Other Content, & Privacy
The hardware and all their physical and digital contents are the property of ARIS, and the school reserves the right to inspect all elements of the hardware, software and digital data at any time. This inspection may be done in connection with an investigation initiated by an IT Manager or Head of School. Students are responsible for making sure all contents on the computers they use are appropriate for school. Gaming software is not to be used or installed on computers. Students must be sure their files are backed up each day, especially since files are not backed up on any ARIS servers.
Forms of verbal and psychological bullying that occur on the Internet through e-mail, instant messaging, or personal profile websites such as Facebook or other social media. This may include the unauthorized use of photographs or images in the likeness of a person.
Students may not, at any time, access, send or receive material or sites that are illegal, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate. During class, students are expected to use the devices as directed by the teacher. ARIS reserves the right to monitor student Internet activity at any time. Students will adhere to all copyright laws. Students who access inappropriate material or sites or delete their browser history may have their device confiscated and re-imaged. Repeated incidents will result in detention and/or in-school suspension
Teacher’s Discretion
There are times when a teacher may authorize students to use or access technology resources when it aligns with the academic objectives of their classroom - including the use of student’s own technology resources (e.g. cell phones for use as a student response system, MP3/ 4 players /iPods for academic purposes). In these circumstances, and with teacher permission only, it is the responsibility of the student to adhere to the spirit of the Acceptable Use Policy. Students should only use the devices in a way that enhances the academic purpose of the classroom and in a way intended by the teacher. Other uses of the devices could result in disciplinary actions.
Al-Rayan International School works hard to create and maintain a positive learning environment in which every member of the community is treated with dignity and respect. ARIS's learning environment is distinguished by its Core Purpose, which celebrates diversity and is dedicated to Inspire, Empower, and Transform for a Better World.
ARIS will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment in the real or virtual Platform. ARIS will seek to prevent, correct, discipline, and educate appropriate behaviours by enforcing this policy, mentoring, and holding weekly Wellbeing sessions.
All students are covered by and are expected to comply with this policy and to take appropriate measures to ensure that prohibited conduct does not occur. Based on the seriousness of the offence, disciplinary action may include a verbal or written warning, detention, suspension, and/or expulsion.
ARIS has established the following procedure for lodging a complaint of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation. The School will treat all aspects of the procedure confidentially to the extent reasonably possible.
- Complaints should be submitted as soon as possible after an incident has occurred, in writing to the HOS and the Deputy Head of Students affairs. .
- Upon receiving a complaint that a violation of this policy may be occurring, HOS will notify the Behaviour Committee of the complaint.
- The HOS will initiate an investigation to determine whether there is a reasonable basis for believing that the alleged violation of this policy occurred.
- If necessary, the complainant and the respondent will be separated during the course of the investigation.
- During the investigation, Coordinator and Assigned Person by HOS, HOS will interview the complainant, the respondent and any witnesses to determine whether the alleged conduct occurred.
- Upon conclusion of an investigation, the administrator that was conducting the investigation will communicate the findings. If it is determined that a violation of this policy has occurred, the Behaviour Committee will recommend appropriate disciplinary action. The appropriate action will depend on the following factors:
- a) the severity, frequency and pervasiveness of the conduct;
- b) prior complaints made by the complainant;
- c) prior complaints made against the respondent; and
- d) the quality of the evidence (e.g., firsthand knowledge, credible corroboration).
ARIS prohibits harassment of any kind and will take appropriate and immediate action in response to complaints or knowledge of violations of this policy. For purposes of this policy, harassment is any verbal, virtual or physical conduct designed to threaten, intimidate or coerce a student at ARIS.
The following examples of harassment are intended to be guidelines and are not exclusive when determining whether there has been a violation of this policy:
- Verbal harassment includes comments that are offensive or unwelcome regarding a person's nationality, race, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, appearance, disability, or another protected status, including epithets, slurs and negative stereotyping
- Nonverbal harassment includes distribution, display or discussion of any written or graphic material that ridicules, demoralizes, insults, belittles or shows hostility, aversion or disrespect toward an individual or group because of national origin, race, colour, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, disability, sexual identity, or other protected status in social media
No retaliation will be taken against anyone who reports conduct that he or she honestly believes is in violation of this policy. Any student or other person subject to this policy who retaliates against another person for reporting alleged harassment may face disciplinary or other action.
Racial and ethnic harassment is a form of illegal discrimination and is contrary to the mission of Al- Rayan International School. Racial and ethnic harassment is motivated by fear, ignorance, or hatred of ethnic and cultural differences that are perceived as threatening to the offending party. Racial or ethnic harassment will not be tolerated in the ARIS community.
ARIS is committed to preventing, stopping, and educating whenever racial and ethnic harassment may occur at ARIS or in any of its programs within its community. Staff, faculty, and students who become aware of such harassment should contact School Administration to prevent the continuation of the harassment.
Sexual harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination and is prohibited under ARIS's anti-harassment policy. Sexual harassment occurs when unsolicited and unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature:
- Unreasonably interferes with a student's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or otherwise offensive learning environment.
Sexual harassment may take different forms. The following examples of sexual harassment are intended to be guidelines and are not exclusive when determining whether there has been a violation of this policy:
- Verbal sexual harassment includes innuendoes, suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, sexual propositions, lewd remarks and threats; requests for any type of sexual favour (this includes repeated, unwelcome requests for dates); and verbal abuse or "kidding" that is oriented toward a prohibitive form of harassment, including that which is sexual in nature and unwelcome.
- Nonverbal sexual harassment includes the distribution, display or discussion of any written or graphic material, including calendars, posters and cartoons that are sexually suggestive or show hostility toward an individual or group because of sex; suggestive or insulting sounds; leering; staring; whistling; obscene gestures; content in letters, notes, facsimiles, e-mails, photos, text messages, tweets and Internet postings; or other forms of communication that are sexual in nature and offensive.
- Physical sexual harassment includes unwelcome, unwanted physical contact, including touching, tickling, pinching, patting, brushing up against, hugging, cornering, kissing, fondling, and forced sexual intercourse or assault.
Bullying is a type of harassment and is defined as unwelcome verbal, written or physical conduct directed at a student by another student(s) that has the intent and effect of:
- Physically harming a student (e.g., hitting, kicking, spitting, pushing, and invading one's personal space in an aggressive manner).
- Damaging, extorting or taking a student's personal property.
- Placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm.
- Placing a student in emotional unrest by spreading rumours, manipulating social relationships or environment, and engaging in social exclusion, extortion, intimidation, and ridicule.
- Cyberbullying: forms of verbal and psychological bullying that occur on the Internet through e-mail, instant messaging, or personal profile websites such as Facebook or other social media. This may include the unauthorized use of photographs or images in the likeness of a person.
- Creating an intimidating or hostile environment that substantially interferes with a student's educational opportunities.
- Creating verbal statements or written remarks that are taunting, malicious, threatening or sexual.
Weapons of any kind are not allowed at Al Rayan International School. Any person found possessing a weapon of any kind will have the weapon confiscated and turned over to the proper legal authorities if required by law. This includes any kind of pocket knife, paintball gun, Nerf gun or look-alike weapon. Mace and/or pepper spray are included in this category. Any student found possessing or using a weapon of any kind, or using any object as a weapon, is subject to detention, suspension and/or expulsion.
Gambling is strictly prohibited while on the ARIS campus or at any school-sponsored function that is held off campus. Prohibited gambling activities include but are not limited to betting, or wagering on any event or activity. Any student participating, in or organizing such gambling activities is subject to detention, suspension, and/or expulsion.
Theft and/or vandalism of school property or the property of others will result in detention, suspension or expulsion. Students will exercise reasonable care in the use of school equipment. The student must pay for damage to desks, lockers, other equipment, or property. Unauthorized use of school equipment is forbidden.
In order to maintain high academic standards, it is necessary to require a minimum number of days in attendance. This is not meant to imply that students are free to take these days, but rather that if an excessive absence occurs, it is our obligation to follow through with parents and students.
Under ordinary circumstances, whether excused or unexcused, a student may not miss more than eighteen school days (or individual classes) per year. This includes both school-sponsored and non-school-sponsored absences.
If the minimum attendance requirement is exceeded the school reserves the right to withhold promotion to the next class.
Students who exceed the minimum attendance requirements due to health issues must provide documentation from a healthcare provider. The student may be required to receive modified grades or pass/no pass grades. This will be determined by the administration.
Students who have exceeded the minimum attendance standard may be held out of field trips and other school-sponsored activities. This will be at the discretion of the Head of the School.
Regular attendance is a critical component of learning. Students are required, therefore, to attend all scheduled classes. Class attendance policies are listed on the class syllabus.
An unexcused absence is defined as any of the following:
- Removal from class for misbehavior
- Leaving early from class without permission from the teacher
- Missing from class for more than 5 minutes.
- Missing class for an unapproved absence by administration
Students with unexcused absences from class will be subject to the following consequences:
- First Offense - the Student will be called in to see the Mentor and parent/guardian informed. One period of detention will be assigned. The detention must be served the day of or the next school day after the detention is assigned.
- Second Offense - the Student will be called in to see the Programme Coordinator, and the parent/guardian informed. One period of detention will be assigned. The detention must be served the day of or the next school day after the detention is assigned.
- Third Offense - Student may be dropped from the class with no credit received and a N/A recorded on his/her transcript. If the student remains in the class, additional detention periods will be assigned by the Head of School.
Note: Students may receive a reduction in points or a zero for academic work due on the day an unexcused absence is recorded.
Students who are unexcused for an entire school day will receive an unexcused absence and detention for each class missed. The appropriate Programme Coordinator will determine additional consequences. Unexcused absences are recorded on a semester basis.
Students are required to be in the classroom when the bell rings to begin class. Students who arrive after this time without a pass will be considered tardy. For the third unexcused tardy in any class, the student will attend a behaviour support meeting. On the fifth unexcused tardy, the student will receive a detention. Every tardy after that results in a detention. If tardiness continues, a meeting will be held with the student and parents/guardians. Possible further disciplinary action may also occur.
Attendance: Extended Absence
Taking extended trips and vacations during the school year presents a serious academic concern for students. Classroom contact with teachers, other students and the overall classroom experience is vital in the learning process. Parents are strongly encouraged to check the school calendar and coordinate trips with our scheduled vacations. Please read the minimum attendance policy in this handbook.
If it is necessary to leave school for more than two days and you know in advance:
- A parent/guardian should fill out the ARIS Leave Form at least one week before leaving to begin the process.
- A student must have their Head of School sign them for approval. A teacher or Programme Coordinator is responsible for indicating if a student cannot afford to miss the time indicated.
- A student will be required to do the work indicated by the teacher. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with the teacher regarding make-up work.
Attendance: Co-curricular Activities
Following are the daily attendance expectations for students to participate in co-curricular activities.
- Students may not leave early due to illness (even if they are in attendance for 5 class periods)
- In the event there is a half or partial day of school, students must attend the entire school day.
Exceptions to the above may be made if the student has a medical/Dental appointment, driving license exam or other pre-approved essential appointment made during school hours. Granting an exception requires the student to provide documentation from the doctor’s office or the Driver Exam Station, with “time in and time out” from the appointment.
Students involved in activities which have evening performances (e.g. band, drama, sports, student council, etc.) are not excused from any classes on the following morning. Students who sleep in and miss classes will receive unexcused absences for all classes missed.
Students with a doctor/dentist appointment the morning after a performance must bring a note from the doctor/dentist to excuse the absence. The note must include a “time in and time out.”
Stage |
Description |
Action |
Communication / Documentation |
1 |
Homework dependably completed to the required or on time. |
Praise from the teacher. |
Face to Face. A commendation note is sent by the teacher via managebac at the end of Semester and notified Parents. |
2 |
Homework is late or incomplete on 2 or fewer occasions in any subject. |
Managed by the teacher at their discretion. A written note is made by the teacher. |
Verbal Communication by the teacher. A note is documented in the Managebac. |
3 |
Deadlines missed on 3 or more occasions or work incomplete across multiple subjects. |
Teachers informed the program coordinator and called the parents. Detention after school. |
Managebac and email sent to Parents as follow up of the call via managebac |
4 |
Deadlines consistently not met or the work is rarely complete across multiple subjects for half of the Semester |
Parent meeting with coordinator and subject teacher. Saturday Detention for 2 hrs. |
managebac and email |
Student Dress Code
The dress code is intended to be a set of expectations held by the entire Al Rayan International School community to promote a positive learning environment. The student dress code is based on a learning/working environment. These expectations are for appropriate self-expression, not punishment or a source of shame to the student. Being in dress code is a requirement for attending school.
Uniform and Personal Grooming
The following uniform and personal grooming apply to all students, male and female
- Uniforms clean and pressed
- Nails must be clipped, no long fingernails
- Jewelry is not allowed to be worn at school
- Long hair must be tied back
- Excessive hairstyles or manner of dress are not permitted
- The white button-up with logo (full or 3/4 sleeve)
- Navy blue tie w/ logo
- Navy blue trousers/skirt
- PE Set (athletic shoes may be any color as long as they are of good quality)
- Navy blue socks/tights
- Cardigan/Hoodie
- White/black/gray/navy blue shoes (no other colors)
- Now students can wear recycled shoes from G-SOLES with their uniforms too!
No non ARIS branded uniform caps, socks, sweatshirts, jackets, hoodies, shirts, shorts, or skirts may be worn.
Student Expectations
- Students should wear clothing per the uniform guidelines above.
- Pants must have no holes, rips, tears or frays, intentional or unintentional, that expose the skin
- Clothing and other items or grooming in a manner that represents and/or promotes politics, political candidates, inappropriate messages, drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other illegal substances, violence, threats, gangs or hate groups are prohibited.
- Tops must cover the shoulders, no spaghetti straps
- The midriff must be covered, and strapless upper garments may not be worn
- Undergarments must not be visible.
- No sheer coverings of private parts, private areas and/or undergarments.
- No sandals, flip flops, or open-toe shoes
- Repetitive behaviour in this manner will result in students being approached to address the issue.
- Students in Years 7-11 will only wear P.E. uniforms only on PHE and DRAMA DAY.
- Students in Years 12 and 13 will only wear the Sports Uniform on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They must wear a School Uniform on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- Uniform Policy is attached HERE.
- Masks are a critical component of our COVID-19 mitigation strategies, and compliance with the policy regarding masks is expected of all at this time. Wearing a mask while on campus is mandatory. With the exception of when the student is eating lunch, students need to properly wear their masks while at ARIS. If a student forgets his or her mask, the school will provide one up to three times with no charge, after which there will be a charge for a mask. Masks must be a solid colors or a generic pattern. No logos, symbols, words or pictures are allowed on the masks. The exception would be if the mask is an official ARIS branded mask, then it is allowed. For students, face shields without a mask is not an option.
Dress Code Consequences
If a student is in clothing that is in our opinion inappropriate for a school work setting then they should expect to be challenged. Parents will be contacted to bring in a change of clothes. If a student violates an item of the dress code expectations, they will be handed a copy of the dress code with the item violated noted. Par,ents and Guardians will be notified via email for repeated behavior. Students will also be referred to the Administration and the student will be given an amount of time to make changes which could include turning clothing articles inside out, and asking for a the replacement. In a situation where a student needs replacement clothing from the school, it willthe be provided by administration or the front office. Subsequent violations may result in detentions or other disciplinary actions.
Students are assigned a locker for their use. Students may not change lockers without permission of the Administration. It is the student's responsibility to maintain it, and all damages will be charged to that student. The lockers are the property of the school that are on loan to students. The school reserves the right to inspect them at any time for a reasonable cause. Broken lockers are to be reported immediately to the Administration. The school is not responsible for the money and valuables left in lockers. A $50.00 maintenance fee will be charged to the student if his/her locker is not in satisfactory condition at the end of the school year.
Locker Policy is attached HERE.
Year 7-13 students must not carry a backpack during the school day. If a student chooses to use a backpack to carry books to and from school it should be kept in his/her locker during the school day. Students should carry laptop/ essential items for the class.
Students are not allowed in the parking lot, without permission, during the school day. A student violating this policy for the first time will be assigned detention, and the parent/guardian will be notified. A second violation of this policy will result in further disciplinary action. These violations are recorded every year. Student vehicles with parking permits must be parked in the main front lot on Boundary Road(seniors). Students who drive carelessly or recklessly through the parking lot will lose their privilege to park on campus.
Parking Permits
Students who violate the above parking lot expectations or who drive recklessly will have their parking permits revoked.
Students are welcome to be in any area of the campus where there is adult supervision. Areas of the building and campus are considered to be off-limits to students unless they are accompanied by an adult. Students are not to be in classrooms after school hours unless a faculty member is present. Students who are off limits will be assigned detention for the first offence. A second offence will result in further disciplinary action.
Students who are not scheduled into a class must spend their free time in the Library/Assigned Learning Zones.
Before School
Students who are here before 7:30 am during the week must be in the canteen/common area.
After School
Students who are here after 3:15 p.m. during the week must be in the Pick-up Zone or in a supervised area, students in classrooms must be accompanied by a faculty or staff member. Hallways are for moving, not for hanging out. The C Block is off-limits after 3:15 p.m. unless the student is accompanied by a faculty or staff member.
Students should line up quietly, be polite when receiving their meal and follow any directions of the adults in charge of the canteen. During their meal, students are expected to display good table manners, remain seated and talk quietly to the people at their table. After the meal, students should clear their eating area, leave the dining area quietly and walk to the playground or field as per the schedule assigned by the PHE teachers.
Students are expected to respect the authority of all adults/ teachers equally – there is no distinction between the authority of one adult to another, with the exception of the Senior Leadership Team. All Students should feel safe outside and must be made aware of the importance of informing an adult if they have been hurt, are being bullied or harassed. The adults on duty are responsible for ensuring that the positive behaviour policy is followed and that any incidents are handled appropriately within this framework.
Students may only run on the playground or field or Basketball court and must play in designated areas where an adult can see them.
Do not pick each other up or fight; instead, only play football / Basketball on the designated day for their year group, supervised by an adult.
Students are expected to wear their I.D. cards while on campus. I.D. cards are required to purchase food from the canteen, and will also allow students access to the campus during school hours. Replacement cards can be obtained at the Front Desk and a fee will be charged to the student’s tuition.
Evacuation, retention and safety drills are among the most important exercises in which you will participate. These drills can save lives. In addition to fire and weather drills, safety drills will also be conducted. Safety drills will include educating students on the different options that are available if we should ever be faced with a violent intruder or someone trying to do harm. These options include taking cover, barricading in a room, and evacuating to a meet-up location. The drills will also include educational components related to awareness and responsiveness during an emergency.
Health service office is staffed by a Licensed Nurse, who works under the direction and supervision of the School Physician. The licensed school nurse is available for consultation regarding the health concerns of students, screening, referral, and any other needs that a student may have.
Hours and Location:
Clinic hours are from 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The health office is located in the main office. Students who feel ill should first report to their teacher and then go immediately to health services. Students who feel sick but do not report to health services will not be excused from class. Likewise, students who abuse health services in any way will not be excused from their classes. Students who wish to go home from school due to illness, must call a parent from health services. Verbal permission from a parent or guardian is necessary before a student can leave school.
ARIS encourages and supports student travel programs as an extension of the curriculum and an opportunity for personal and academic development. Though more extensive guidelines will be communicated as your student becomes involved in an ARIS-led trip, these are general guidelines the student is expected to follow:
- The school will pre-approve the participant student list to verify there are no current impediments or potential issues which would preclude a student from participating or which could present an undue burden to the chaperone in their supervision of the entire group. This includes but is not limited to discipline issues, severe emotional or behavioral concerns.
- Chaperones will clearly inform parents and students of expectations for behavior and the consequences of non-compliance. These include but are not limited to curfews, drinking, drug use, tobacco use, promptness, general behavior and attitude. Compliance with all school and trip policies is expected. Parents can expect that a student will be sent home, at the parent’s expense, if a student is non-compliant in following the rules.
- Student tuition accounts must be current in order for a student to participate in travel programs.
Students who are interested in transferring to ARIS and have completed an application for admission are invited to attend classes for the day. Parents of the interested student should make arrangements through the Admissions Office. No other visitors are allowed.
Behaviour Contract Form:
I------------, understand that I am responsible for my own success as a student of Al Ryan International School. I will follow the rules and acknowledge the procedures set in place to help ensure my academic success and well-being.
- I will be respectful to ARIS Core Values and Characteristics all the time in and outside of School. ,
- I will comply with the requests and rules set by the school.
- I will avoid deliberately trying to annoy or upset others.
- If I become easily annoyed I will seek adult advice rather than acting out on my feelings.
- I will take responsibility for my mistakes and avoid blaming others.
- I will not be spiteful or seek revenge if I feel upset.
- I will not say mean or hurtful things when I am upset
- I will believe that I CAN and I WILL Learn
As a parent/guardian, I will:
- Show respect and support for my child, the teachers, and the school.
- Support the school's discipline policy.
- Provide a quiet, well-lit place for study and supervise homework.
- Attend parent-teacher conferences.
- Talk with my child each day about his or her school activities.
- Monitor my child's behaviour.
- Encourage and reinforce positive behaviors
- Follow recommendations set out by the School Behavior Management team.
Now, hand in hand, we will work together to carry out this contract.
_________________________________________ ____________________
_________________________________________ ____________________
_________________________________________ ____________________
HOS/ Committee member SIGNATURE DATE
Student’s Reflection Form:
- What happened?
- What did you think when you realised what had happened?
- Who has been affected by what you did and how?
- How do you think (the offended) felt when you did that?
- What have your thoughts been since?
- How has this affected you?
- What has been the hardest thing for you?
- What do you think needs to happen to make things right?
Appendix 3 :
STUDENT: Class :
BLOCK 1 Subject: |
⬜ Punctual ⬜ Late ⬜ Attentive ⬜ Disruptive ⬜ Task completed ⬜ Task incomplete |
BLOCK 2 Subject: |
⬜ Punctual ⬜ Late ⬜ Attentive ⬜ Disruptive ⬜ Task completed ⬜ Task incomplete |
BLOCK 3 Subject: |
⬜ Punctual ⬜ Late ⬜ Attentive ⬜ Disruptive ⬜ Task completed ⬜ Task incomplete |
BLOCK 4 Subject: |
⬜ Punctual ⬜ Late ⬜ Attentive ⬜ Disruptive ⬜ Task completed ⬜ Task incomplete |
BLOCK 5 Subject: |
⬜ Punctual ⬜ Late ⬜ Attentive ⬜ Disruptive ⬜ Task completed ⬜ Task incomplete |
⬜ Punctual ⬜ Late ⬜ Brought a snack ⬜ Ate in a designated spot |
⬜ Punctual ⬜ Late ⬜ Brought a snack ⬜ Ate in designated spot |
⬜ Punctual ⬜ Late ⬜ Brought a snack ⬜ Ate in a designated spot |