Home News   PYP Unit of Inquiry Goes to Silver Star Automotives

PYP Unit of Inquiry Goes to Silver Star Automotives

Year One pupils took several exciting trips in connection to their Unit of Inquiry; How We Organize Ourselves. The focus was on transportation, and how it relates to the needs of a community. The inquiry took them from land, to sea, and finally air; looking at how transportation moves people and cargo.
The Year One pupils started their trip by bus to Silver Star Motors. Once they arrived at Silver Star, they acquainted themselves with the various vehicle models. The pupils were given V.I.P. treatment with a video presentation featuring the process of making Mercedes Benz cars and trucks. After the video, the pupils toured the showroom, exploring the Mercedes Benz, inside and out.   

The Year One pupils boarded the bus and moved across town to the airport, identifying the planes that were being used to carry people, and special planes used only to move cargo. 

Another important need of a community is emergency services. The West African Rescue Association (WARA) was called for the task. The WARA Paramedic opened his Ambulance and let the excited inquirers tour the ambulance and inspect the different types of emergency response equipment all of the pupils had questions. 

The unit provided the pupils with a solid grounding for inquiring into the many types of transport communities develop and how the needs of a community can influence the mode of transport within the community.