The pupils in year one were delighted with the central idea; Celebrations and traditions are expressions of shared beliefs and values. This came under the trans displinary theme “How we express ourselves”.
The year one learners began exploring celebrations in their own international communities. The children were able to explain celebrations in their own words and give thrilling examples. They continued the unit by creating and decorating candle stands made from clay, symbolizing Diwali festival (festival of light) celebrated by some Indians. The learners wrote about many celebrations they knew of, like Eid, Diwali, and the Homowo. “Homowo” is a festival celebrated in Ghana by the Ga’s. A learner with the help of his parents demonstrated how Homowo festival is celebrated.
Learners created and decorated a giant Christmas tree as a symbol of Christmas. Some of the learners went further to inquire about other festivals celebrated in their countries and presented the research to the class.
The unit was linked with handling data in math where learners used their names and birth months to represent a bar chart. It was also linked with English language.