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Pi Anyone?

In what many consider the highlight of the year, ARIS Secondary school students celebrated international Pi Day with their teachers. If one day of the year screams “Party” in our school, that day is March 14. Each year, the Mathematics Department gathers a collection of ideas and activities that will help plan the Pi Day from all Departments, and the school takes a break from the normal routine to celebrate Pi.

The event included Pi-ing teachers, word games and field activities with items that have circle shapes (Cakes, Doughnuts, hoops..) The money raised went to the math department for research and getting more resources.


This year’s Pi Day is not an ordinary one. It is in fact, an epic Pi Day on 3.14.15 at 9.26.53. This date and time corresponds to the first 10 digits of Pi (π = 3.141592653). Incidentally, this happens once every century, which makes this one truly a once-in-a-lifetime event. The next Pi Day will be in 100 years.

Pi has a gazillion-and-one uses in everyday life. Therefore, the events are planned to engage our pupils and the community in the fun of experimental learning as a way to inspire the next generation of scientists, researchers, medical practitioners and educators who will drive life changing innovation. It is used to calculate the circumferences and areas of circle, and has many applications in Physics, Engineering, Genetics, Ecological changes and Global Warming. But it appears ‘behind the scenes’ in just countless ways across many disciplines.