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Ashesi University Tour

The students in IB-1 and Year 11, along with the University/Career guidance department, embarked on a long journey to visit ASHESI UNIVERSITY. The visit was geared towards building the capacities of the students and motivating them to stay focused on their chosen careers.

This visit gave the students the opportunity to meet and interact with students who are currently pursuing their chosen career options, and get to know about university life. Students were given one-on-one interactions with the faculty and leadership of the university, they were given a tour around the facilities, and observed innovative student projects.

The tour took the students through many facilities.

- Faculties of the University; Business School, Engineering School and Computer Science School

- The main university library

- The university halls and other private hostels

- The lecture rooms and theaters

The students were eager to get a brief presentation about the university, and the admission processes. Most of the students inquired about courses, careers, tuition fees, and scholarships.

The objectives set up for this visit were achieved and the students were excited about being part of the visit. The University/Career guidance department staff are looking forward to making this visit an annual event.