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PYP Parent Workshop

“Don't you wish you could take a single childhood memory and blow it up into a bubble and live inside it forever?”
- Sarah Addison Allen "Lost Lake"

Many of us feel this way and to relive the childhood but this time with the twist of the PYP flavour, ARIS organised the Parent Workshop where parents could understand hands-on how the PYP happens.

The workshop was conducted in The Holiday Inn and was attended by more than 30 parents. The PYP coordinator along with a few teachers organised the workshop under the TD Theme ‘How we express ourselves’.

The parents researched, presented, sang, danced and did all the fun activities that their children do in school. They went through the entire inquiry process and comprehended how the unit runs. Many reflected and acknowledged how the teaching learning happens in the PYP. They were also given motivational gifts as they performed along their learning. 

It was a platform which brought the parent body, from diverse backgrounds together with interaction alongside their learning experience.

The parents enjoyed being children for a few hours and their enthusiasm knew no bounds!
Everyone wanted to go back in time and return to school…but this time they wanted to learn the PYP way…