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Acceptable Use?

Are mobile phones a need, or a nuisance?

ARIS agrees that mobile phones should be allowed in school, if used responsibly. ARIS has recently revised the Acceptable Use Policy to meet the needs of the ever evolving world of technology and social media.

The Acceptable Use Policy is designed to ensure that potential issues involving mobile phones can be clearly identified and addressed, ensuring that the benefits that mobile phones provide (such as increased safety) can continue to be enjoyed by our students.

The school recognises that personal communication through mobile technologies is an accepted part of everyday life but that such technologies need to be used well. While mobile phones are allowed on campus, they should be switched off and kept out of sight during lessons and while moving between lessons.

ARIS recognises the importance of emerging technologies present in modern mobile phones (eg camera and video recording, internet access, MP3 and MP4 playback, blogging). These feature are often utilised as functions to aid teaching and learning and thus students may at times have the opportunity to use their mobile phones in the classroom.

Using mobile phones to bully and threaten other students is unacceptable. Cyber bullying will not be tolerated. In some cases it may constitute criminal behaviour.  If the use of technology humiliates, embarrasses or causes offence it is unacceptable, regardless of whether ‘consent’ was given.  Please see the Acceptable Use Policy for a clear definition.