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On Thursday, the 8th of October, the IB1, Year 11, as well as ARIS art club students embarked on a journey to an art exhibition; Akwaabytes.

The exhibition was based off of the two words “Akwaaba” and “Byte”, Akwaaba meaning welcome, in this case, welcoming an artist from Lebanon that collaborated in many of the art works, and byte being one of the smallest digital pieces of memory. Putting these two ideas together, the artists came up with stories told through drawings, wire sculptures, recycled sculptures, photographs, music and even wearable art works that all looked at an aspect of what the smallest form of art could be,and how they go together to create a larger picture.


Finally, Nii Obodai, a photographer and an artist, had a workshop with the students, showing them how to use his Polaroid camera and teaching them a bit about how it works, then letting them use it to take photos of each other!

The students took their time going around the exhibition themselves before thanking the artists for giving them this wonderful opportunity.