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Primary Investiture Ceremony 2015

“The function of leadership is to produce more leaders not more followers.”

                                                                            Ralph Nader

Leaders are not born, they are made. We hold this true in Al-Rayan International School, and hence we aspire to make and shape the leaders of tomorrow.

The Investiture Ceremony of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, ARIS, started with the welcoming of the Guests of Honour, Mr Safwan El Wali, Chairman of the Board, Mr Trevor Trumper, Head of Secondary School, Dr Fatma Odaymat, Principal, and Mouayad Toutoungi, President of the Secondary School Student Council.


All present rose to respect and honour the Ghanaian and ARIS flags, proudly recite the National Pledge of Ghana and sing the National Anthem.

The sense of pride was felt by all when the class prefects were badged by their Homeroom teachers and took the Oath to uphold the ethos of the school and fulfil their duties with integrity and sincerity.

“I was Born to be Somebody” rang through the air as the students sang with joy and gusto. No one in the audience could doubt that it was true—the world belonged to them…

The student council members were called up to receive their honours. Their responsibilities were confirmed with a sash and badge. They took an Oath to represent the school and be role models for their fellow students. 

“IF”, the poem by Rudyard Kipling, was recited by the Head and Deputy Head Boys and Girls. It was inspirational, moving and applauded by all. A speech by the Head Boy and Head Girl had everyone glued to their words.

The event ended with Madame Dania giving the closing speech and thanking everyone for gracing the occasion.
An event for our history books.

Class Prefects

Student Council