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Literacy Week 2015

Many competitions were held during the week including Poster Competition, Street Play Competition etc. All the activities were aimed to bring awareness among the students on the significance of Literacy in society, as well as to make them think about the huge changes they can bring into the society with the little steps that they take.

The First week of September was celebrated as 'ARIS BOOK GIVING WEEK'. Used or unused books in good condition donated by students are going to bring smiles on the faces of many children in need. They will be used to create a library in an underprivileged school as part of the Year 11 project, by the Humanities Department. (Above, Secondary students appeal to the Primary kids to donate their used books.)

Themes of Literacy and Society and Preserving the Environment for Future Generations were explored in various ways.

The rhyme and rhythm of the rap song written and composed by the Year 9 students on the theme of Saving Electricity made everyone tap their feet.

Year 12 students organized a spelling Bee Competition focusing on environmental challenges. The winners were excited to receive prizes and certificates.

Year 10 successfully organised a football tournament and fun fair to raise money for charity. They managed to raise a sum of 740 Ghana cedis which will be wisely used in an underprivileged School in Ghana through our Humanities and Social Studies Department.

We congratulate the students for their positive spirit and enthusiasm in giving back to the society they live in, thereby upholding the ARIS vision of moulding responsible global citizens. 

-English Department