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Run Teachers Run!

ARIS Team Teachers participated in the E T.V./Japan Motors Corporate Run today. The event promotes healthy lifestyles and fits right in with the ARIS wellness initiatives. ARIS continues to motivate and encourage the entire community to be active on a daily basis. 

An intense research on how to approach a 5km marathon preceded the day's competition for most of us. Preparations couldn't have been more meticulous with running gears ready, 48hrs ahead of proceedings. Having drank an unspecified amount of lucozade between 5-6am, we'd finally convinced ourselves that we were prepared but a man who appeared to be in his mid 50s rejuvenated our fears when we arrived in the parking lot as he aggressively ran past us during his warm up exercise.

Soon after, we took off ! A smooth start turned rather course after obstructions on the road made the run seem longer, turning it into some form of an obstacle course. After seeing the sign that read "3km left" when in truth we thought we'd ran more, our brains and leg muscles had lost coordination and only had luck to take us through the rest of this 'never ending' marathon. 

By and by, owing to some form of divinity, we managed to finish the race. As if it was all over-we were treated to stretch and dance to some good music. The ARIS team finally reconvened at a nearby location for a much deserved breakfast buffet and parted company shortly afterwards.