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The Founders Would Be So Proud!

ARIS pupils and staff celebrated the legacy of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah during the Founder's Day Celebration. Dr. Nkrumah, being the distinctive man of valour who led Ghana to independence. The Founders would be so proud of the progress that Ghana has made. 

September 21st of each year, Founder’s Day is celebrated as a holiday in Ghana. It is the birthday of Dr. Nkrumah. The country’s first President is remembered for his great contribution in education, incomparable gallantry, dedication to the liberation of Ghana and Africa and his unending spirit of no-compromise as long as Ghana’s interest was at stake.

ARIS celebrated in the Ghanaian traditional wear, with the traditional style of drums, dancing, and more drums and dancing. The environment was alive with excitement as the pupils gathered for the annual Founder's Day parade.