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The Show Must Go On

The primary pupils participated in a PYP school wide competition today. The pupils in the lower classes competeted in Show and Tell, this event encourages kids to practice speaking and listening.

Every object that a pupil brings for show and tell has a story. Show and Tell gives kids the chance to learn how to be an audience and introduce themselves, learn how to ask inquiry based questions, and how to anticipate and observe.

The upper classes competed with J.A.M. and Story Writing. J.A.M (Just-A-Minute) PYP competition required the student speaker to talk on a given topic for sixty seconds without hesitation, repetition, or deviation. This competition calls for strong speaking and listening skills.

Year 6 pupils had a Story Writing compettion. This PYP Calendar competition allowed pupils to develop their technical and creative writing skills. 

ARIS thanks the panel of judges who were left with some very tough decisions.