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ELMina Castle: A PYP Exploration

On April 12th 2016, the Year 5 Students of ARIS embarked on a trip to the Elmina Castle, Cape Coast as a result of their unit on explorations. This unit highlights the consequences of exploration and the Elmina Castle is proof of some consequences of European exploration here in Ghana.

Upon arrival, students were taken on a tour around the castle and informed about the harsh conditions slaves were made to live in. This left some students in tears as they empathized with the slaves.

The students listened attentively to the guides and asked meaningful questions which deepened their understanding of colonialism and slave trade.

Students left comments in the book at the Castle after their visit “the tour was interesting but I felt bad for what happened to the slaves 500 years ago!” Seli Asorwoe 5A. They are truly a reflective bunch!