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Sherlock Holmes, Who's Who? A Book Review

‘There is nothing like first-hand evidence.’

-Sherlock Holmes -A Study in Scarlet

"The following is a review of Sherlock Holmes: The Ultimate Collection, Amazon Kindle Edition:

"I will begin by stating clearly the Sherlock Holmes series, which can be found on the kindle in the library, is one of the greatest series I have ever read.

To begin with, the main character of the series Sherlock Holmes, is a character with many unique traits. For example, he has an exceptional psychology which includes his unique thinking and perspective. His character, simply stated, is a variety of different personalities clumped together into one man. He has a love for puzzles, talent for various forms of martial arts, knowledge of chemistry, knack for theatrics, and disguise, an understanding of biology, as well as the gift of playing the violin. His perspective on the other hand is unique, due to his ability to observe and link almost everything he sees. He also has a logical and clear-cut perspective, and never assumes theories based on shorthanded evidence. This is due to the fact that the theory will change in order to fit with the evidence. He lacks emotion and sees it as a barrier to logical thinking and as human error in what must be a perfect result.

Furthermore, in the series, we see Sherlock Holmes from the perspective of Doctor Watson, an old friend of Sherlock when they lived in the same room together. Sherlock is also seen as a theatrical person and a master of disguise, which allows him to blend in no matter where he is. He has a hobby of studying different languages, which includes French, German and English. Sherlock also displays a determination and strong attitude, for he can work on a case for days without rest or sleep. The main character is also seen many times in the book closing his eyes and listening intently to the case of his clients. This allows him to capture and visualize every detail of the case.

In addition Sherlock Holmes is a cunning and skilled man. In the series, he fights many villains and is quick to put together many unlikely events into one big sequence. He is notoriously known for his cunningness and profound methods of deductive mystery solving. He also exhibits the skill of stealth as he quietly follows many of his targets. Yet unfortunately, Sherlock is a heroine addict due to the need to stimulate his brain when not cracking a case.

On the other hand the villains created within the series are each unique in their story and reason for what they did. The plot of each case is made up and unbelievably complex in order to throw off even the brightest mind in order to provide a test for Sherlock. Additionally, each villain has a certain ability which differs from one to the other. For example, one may have immense strength while the other may have control over someone or something.

What is more pleasing is when all the pieces come together. For example, a villain plays a role in the action he takes, reasoning that not all murderers are evil. Some may have the right reasons yet take the wrong actions.

Additionally, the series is also very educational as it may help the reader to learn about various chemical reactions, methods of deduction, and assumption. It teaches to always have a clear head and an open mind to any theories that may occur, because you never truly know the full story.

In conclusion, the Sherlock Holmes series is very informative, entertaining and enlightening. It is filed with mysteries and surprises, all of which are very well thought out.

Side note: I must say the kindle in which you can read the series on is a gateway to an unlimited number of unique and different worlds, each more fascinating than the next, each containing different characters and different stories.

~ Ziad Husseini, Year 11"


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