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ARIS Team Building with Eat and Paint

The ARIS PYP Team gathered today for a much needed day of eating and painting. The team building activity was long anticipated, the staff gathered in the common area, eager to get started.

Canvases and colours were quickly being sized up. Principals, Heads of Schools, Teachers and Administrators, started choosing their colours.
The task was out; create a design using dots. Everyone got to work on "their own piece". After each person proudly displayed what they were able to create, the canvases were rearranged on the floor for a closer review.

The staff, supported by the Eat & Paint trainer, started sorting the paintings in to groups, Learner Profile categories. The group looked closely at each individual piece, made a collective decision on where it belonged and the canvases were taking shape of the Learner Profiles.

Once every canvas had a place in a designated Learner Profile, the artists were called to team up with the other artists in their profile group.
The teams scattered into their places, all anticipating the additional challenge to layout the canvases and enhance them as a team.

All of the staff in the Inquirers group came forward, formed a new team, and moved off to work collaboratively on the larger project.
Once the smaller teams finished their work, the individual profiles were laid out. The final project was an amazing piece of art, and team work!

Many of us are more capable than some of us, but none of us is as capable as all of us.
- Tom Wilson