Home News   ARIS Eagles show off Their Ethnic Pride

ARIS Eagles show off Their Ethnic Pride

23rd November saw a magnificent commemoration of Ethic Pride Day in ARIS secondary along with a celebration of the Lebanese Independence Day. This day also presented a fantastic opportunity for students to dress elegantly to represent different cultures around the world.

The intrinsic motive behind our celebration was to recognize the assortment of cultures here in ARIS and demonstrate how tolerant and respectful we are towards all.

Audience at the morning assembly that consisted of students, teachers and some parents were treated to a variegated selection of performances including brief skits, some exquisite music and a cat-walk exposition. The forty-minute display was delightfully captivating and provided a much-needed entertainment for the whole school. We highly commend our student-body for illustrating an exceptional ability to independently organize this wonderful event.