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Calling all Student Bloggers!

"The original idea of the web was that it should be a collaborative space where you can communicate through the sharing information" - Tim Berners-Lee

"Blogging is not rocket science, it is about being yourself, and putting what you have into it". - Anonymous

In our era of technology, information sharing is very important and relevant to our everyday lives. Students in years 7 and 8 are blogging on topics that interest them most and this has opened their horizon to what is allowed online and what is not. It has also exposed them to the fact that, you can own a webpage and share information easily without having to pay for expensive websites. They also learned that one can express themselves through blogs. Blogging is fun and they sure are enjoying the class sessions.

You can check out some of the blogs that are already live from the following links:

Sarah Minai and Aya Fattal (The Travelers) - www.sayamattal.strikingly.com
Joudi Shawa (LifeHack on Food) - http://jojoshawa.simplesite.com/
Sebastian and Andrews (Games, Football and Cars) - http://sebzac.simplesite.com/

Keep watching this space as more links and pictures will be added soon.

ICT students are blogging. Check back soon for the links to the blogs.