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Home Sweet Home: PYP Where we are in Place and Time

The summative assessment for year 1 A & B tackled the Central Idea: Home reflects cultural and local conditions. Year 1 Learners brought artifacts from home that were related to their personal culture and tradition. The students presented their artifacts to their classmates using the show-and-tell style. Students were great communicators and open-minded while presenting and listening to each other’s presentations. 

Students practiced being Risk-Takers after the presentations, they shared food from their country with each other. Students brought a diverse range of foods, such as, Chinese dumplings and Tremella soup, Lebanese kebbe and tabbouli, Ghanaian Banku, Indian Potatoe naan, Syrian Mamouniyye desert.

Our traditions direct all of our human relationships and personal interactions, the way we share the experiences of our family life, and the growth of civilized societies themselves. As we celebrate traditions, we learn to celebrate ourselves, and in the end, empathy for each other.