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Hour of Code, Special Guest

Mustapha Hamoui is an ARIS daddy, a businessman, a web developer and an occasional blogger. He challenged the kids to program their sprite in scratch to draw a shape. He proposed drawing a square and then going further and try do draw an octagon through code. Once done, the sprite should say “I did it!”. The kids were thrilled, picking their favorite sprites and choosing backdrops! They used scripting blocks from the events and motion palettes while Mustapha and I helped them out adding blocks from the pen palette.

As we completed our almost hour of code in 3A, Mr. Hamoui encouraged the kids to work further on their programming skills:

Even though programming problems seem hard at first, they get easier and more fun with practice! -Mustapha Hamoui

Later on, we worked our hour of code in year 3 B and C online! I had bookmarked a tutorial suitable for the kids’ age in Firefox: a classic maze with angry birds.

As the kids enjoyed the hour of code and showed persistence in solving the puzzles, they went home with a note containing the link to the hour of code tutorials.

Stay tuned for more hours of code coming next week!


Hour of Code Blog 

Yours truly,
Maya H. Hamedi