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Interactive Parent Workshop: Migrations

Perhaps the PYP triangle is the only love triangle that is viewed with so much adulation. The vertices being the teacher, taught and the community.

It takes a village to raise a child, said a philosopher and the IB nods in agreement that the home and community plays a vital role in the development of the child. The school has a responsibility to give opportunities to the community to know how learning is done in the PYP. Hence, the conferences and the workshops. The parent workshop on Inquiry was on the 19th of November where they lived the life of their child for a day.

The entire inquiry cycle was run to enable the parent body to know how their children learn and acquire the concepts and skills in the PYP. This year the big idea was “Migrations” and the parents enjoyed their learning more so because it seemed so close to heart.

With videos, guest speaker, discussions and opinions the workshop was a success with the parents living the programme.