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Universal Children's Day

The United Nations Universal Children’s Day, established in 1954, celebrated on November 20th each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's welfare. -un.org

ARIS celebrates Universal Children's Day annually on or before 20 November. Universal Children's Day was established to urge all countries to start a day, to promote mutual exchange and understanding among children and to start actions to help and promote the welfare of the world's children. On Universal Children's Day, Al Rayan International School PYP students, teachers, and staff did just that!

The day started with a display of Eagle Pride, students showing their support, came to school dressed in blue. The teachers kicked off the event by welcoming 10 children from the surrounding area neighborhood, with a choreographed dance, performed like stars! The Programme included a student driven food drive, collected to hand out to the needy families in the immediate ARIS neighborhood.

After the event Mr. Jude (Performing Arts) and some other teachers treated the 10 children to some dancing in the MPH. The event reflection brought out new ideas on how students and staff could continue to engage these neighborhood kids. This is just one, of many events to come!

Because ARIS believes that children are our future, the school takes every opportunity to honor all children and for all children to feel loved and valued.