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Year 6 PYP Exhibition

The PYP exhibition is a significant event in the Primary Years Programme. Combining the essential elements of the PYP- concepts, the attributes of the IB learner profile, skills, knowledge, and action - sharing them with the whole school community. As a culminating experience, this is an opportunity for the student to exhibit the attributes of the IB learner profile that have been developing throughout the years as PYP student.

In the PYP the student is required to engage in a collaborative, trans-disciplinary inquiry process that involves identifying, investigating and offering solutions to real life issues or problems.

The ARIS PYP Exhibition pupils in year 6 took on real world problems, Child Abuse, Gender Discrimination, Racism, Religious Harmony, and more! The performances, followed by the Exhibition of action was impressive.


A few words from our visitors

Dear ARIS,
Over the past couple weeks, my daughter has been telling me about an event at her school. To be honest, I wasn’t paying attention. As the date got closer, she asked if I would be coming. Like other school events, I was hoping to defer to my wife to attend so I can go to work and get in my routine. Last night though, the deal was sealed and there was no way out! I had to break out of my routine, detour to ARIS Spintex, and come participate in this event at 8am.

I am so proud to report back to you that the PYP Exhibition this morning was a great hit. It was obvious that months of work and many man-hours had poured into this. The children’s presentations in the classrooms and their performance at the MPR was awe-inspiring. Not only were the children proud of their work, but they had also put their heart into it. The teamwork, collaboration, comradery, sincerity, and kindness were obvious for all to see. Most of all, the children were passionate about their causes and they were proud of their work and managed to bring these causes to the forefront for parents and students to be aware of – bullying, gender discrimination, religious disharmony, apartheid, etc..

This is an opportunity for me to write to you and commend you for your leadership role. Kindly make it a point to relay my utmost appreciation to Madame Dania, Madame Sandeepa, to the mentors/teachers/staff and all that helped make this a wonderful event. To Dr. Fatma Odaymat I would like to thank her for her courage to take big steps in making learning fun. To the kids, I’m sure what they have at ARIS will take them far. Full-Speed Ahead ARIS….


Abdallah Toutoungi
Chief Capital Allocator


Dear Dr. Odaymat,

This is to say 'thank you' for the opportunity to experience the wonderful work you guys are doing. It is really amazing and impressive. Your facilitators were receptive and the children are confident and assertive.

There is a lot to learn from you and this is just the beginning. As we discussed, we will arrange a facility tour for our Department Heads some time later but at your convenience.

Once again thank you for your openness.

Rosemond Boamah
Programme Director
SOS Children's Villages Ghana
Tema Programme Location