Home News   Coffee & Tea with the PYP, a Parents Orientation 2017/18

Coffee & Tea with the PYP, a Parents Orientation 2017/18

An orientation for the parents who are new to the PYP (Primary Years Programme) was held on Saturday August 12th at ARIS’s primary campus from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. The presentations were led by the Director of the Schools, Dr. Fatma Odaymat, and the PYP Coordinator, Mrs Sandeepa Chavan.

The main objective of the orientation was to create an understanding of ARIS’s Mission, Vision, and Values, an understanding of the IBo’s Mission and Values and an understanding of the PYP pedagogy and way of teaching and learning. "At ARIS our model focuses on personalized learning- we only facilitate and support the students, every student to excel in the best way”, said Dr. Fatma, “ARIS's mission is dedicated to nurturing creative, resilient, and socially responsible students able to take initiatives”.

In an effort to transition the parents into the PYP way of thinking (curiosity, introspection, and discovery) ARIS's PYP coordinator used a fun-fact video to enlighten the parents on why the PYP is important in today's fast-paced, technological world. Parents got a deeper insight into what discovery-based and trans-disciplinary teaching meant, and how ARIS implemented this. Parents also got an overview of the philosophy and importance of the Learner Profile in the PYP curriculum.

The orientation ended on a successful note, with parents, teachers and staff mingling over cookies and tea, and good positive feedback from the parents.
We look forward to supporting our parents through this transition; we believe PYP will have a positive impact on them all.