Dr Funke is an internationally renowned psychologist. She specialises in helping individuals to be the best version of themselves. With her thought provoking and creative techniques she has helped people to help themselves.

Tip # 1 Allow Time to Worry

Give yourself permission to worry. Set a time and when time is up, stop worrying and move on!


Tip # 2 Be Honest with Yourself

Think of yourself as a friend providing advice about your stress. Reflect on what is causing you stress. Then ask yourself what power you have to change how you feel and use it!

Tip # 3 Take Time to Talk

Talking about your stress with a family member or a friend can be therapeutic. Not only will you get another perspective but it will also help you to off load too!

Tip # 4 Plan Time for Breaks
Taking short breaks from your busy day is highly beneficial, as it will enable you to relax and of course recharge.

TIp #5 Smile, Laugh & Let it Go
Laughing releases happy hormones. So, let go and learn what you can do. Don’t waste your energy worrying about the things that you can’t control.


Tip # 6 Eat and Sleep Well
Taking care of your body and mind will help you to deal with stress in a healthy way. Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits and get at least 7 hours of sleep a day!

Tip # 7 Prioritise Tasks

Complete the most important tasks first before moving on to the less important ones! Don’t forget to recognise your achievements.

Tip # 8 Recognise Bad Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life. It can be detrimental to your health. But you can improve the way you respond to stress and avoid it!

Tip # 9 Recognise Good Stress
Not all stress is BAD! Stress is a burst of energy that lets us know what to do. Stress can help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

Tip # 10 Plan Time to Rest
Take time out from stress. Make sure you plan to do things that help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated.