Home News   Weekly Reflections from the Director: August 17, 2017

Weekly Reflections from the Director: August 17, 2017

Personalized learning is at the heart of the ARIS Educational Model and something we are all greatly dedicated to as a community. So what is personalized learning and what does it mean to the ARIS community?

It mainly refers to “a diverse variety of educational programmes, learning experiences, instructional approaches, and support strategies that are in place and aim to address the distinct learning needs, interests, ambitions, and cultural backgrounds of individual students”.

In ARIS we do not believe in the “one-size-fits-all” approach to schooling and education in which teachers may, for example, provide all students in a given classroom with the same type of instruction, the same strategies, the same assignments, and the same assessments with no variation or modification from student to student. We do things differently and we use a student-centered learning approach. The individual learning needs of every student is the primary consideration in our daily decisions, rather than what might be preferred, more convenient, or logistically easier for our teachers and school management.

In the coming weeks I will be providing you with more insight on how we approach “personalized learning” in the ARIS community and how it is affecting our students on a daily basis.

Stay tuned!