Home News   Weekly Reflections from the Director: August 23, 2017

Weekly Reflections from the Director: August 23, 2017

“Inquiry is the dynamic process of being open to wonder and puzzlements and coming to know and understand the world.”

There are many classroom practices that support us in achieving a personalized approach to learning in ARIS. One of the most important practices is Inquiry-Based Learning.
Inquiry, in the broadest sense, is the process initiated by our students or teachers that moves the students from their current level of understanding to a new and deeper level of understanding. This approach to learning and teaching has a strong commitment to structured, purposeful inquiry and investigation that engages students actively in their own learning and allows them to take full responsibility for that learning.

In ARIS, we strongly believe that inquiry is the way that students learn best. In our classrooms students are supported to investigate significant issues by formulating their own questions, designing their investigation, and moving forward with research, experimentation, observation, analysis and reflection that help them reach their own conclusion and answers. 

To learn more about Inquiry-based learning and the Inquiry cycle used in our classrooms I highly recommend you attend the parents’ workshops that are planned for this coming year. In ARIS we are all lifelong learners!