Aburi is north east of Accra. The journey from Accra to Aburi is about 45 mins. The air is a bit cooler than in Accra due to the higher altitude.
The road that winds up the hillside to Aburi is breathtaking, from the road you can see most of Greater Accra.
The hiking was exciting, as the class explored the various land-forms on the way to Aburi. The kids observed the rocky houses on the rocky mountains. They experienced hiking on a steep mountain.
This trip to Aburi was not the usual botanical trip, thanks to “Grandpa,” an 84 year old mountain man. The Year 3 class was eager to interview “G randpa” as part of their Unit of Inquiry. Grandpa invited the class in to see his Villa in the mountain, and took his time to explain what it’s like living on a mountain, all the benefits.
Grandpa gave them a glimmer of humanity they might not have expected. It’s not every day that you get the chance to meet a spry, elderly man of 84. One of the questions asked was, “How long do you think it would take to cross the ocean?” Grandpa replied, “Well that depends on the means of transportation you would use,” and he goes on to give his estimate of how long it would take. Grandpa gave the kids love and attention without being judgmental, and the class gave Grandpa joy and youthfulness.