Home News   ARIS is Full Member of the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

ARIS is Full Member of the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA)

Dear All,

It is with great pleasure that I inform you that ARIS has joined the Association of International Schools in Africa-AISA as a full member with voting rights. Membership with AISA is open to elementary and secondary schools in Africa which offer an educational programme using English as the primary language of instruction and offer an international curriculum to suit the needs of its culturally diverse student body.

It is important to note that:

• AISA is the peak association for educational leaders and teachers in Africa

• AISA has a long history and was founded in 1969

• More than 3,000 teachers and school leaders are part of the AISA community

• AISA members are located in 34 countries

• The annual AISA conferences and institutes are a great way to connect with hundreds of delegates from across the continent and hear from world class speakers on wide ranging topics

• AISA shapes its Professional Learning offerings to the needs of its members as expressed through annual surveys

• AISA Institutes are available in Africa, cutting the cost of travel and making learning opportunities more accessible

• AISA membership seeks to foster mutual support and engagement across the AISA community and is a powerful tool for driving teacher and school improvement.

Membership with AISA gives ARIS staff and community:

• Access to subsidised AISA professional learning events (conferences and institutes) only open for AISA members

• Conference fee waiver for a learning event for each school AISA Rep

• AISA publications; Connexions and the in-house AISA newsletter

• Member networking through our online communities portal

• Scholarship and award opportunities for teachers

• Student award and scholarship opportunities

• Connexions with AISA Associate Members, organisations and businesses providing discount offers to AISA member schools

• Access to a range of AISA subsidised services such as the Visiting Author Programme or the School Exchange Programme

• Leadership opportunities on AISA Working Groups

• The opportunity for your school and students to attend the annual AISA-Global Issues Service Summit (AISA-GISS), a calendar highlight for member schools

• Voting rights (full members only) at the annual AISA Board meeting

• The school head of Full Member Schools also have the opportunity to stand for election on the AISA Board of Directors

We thank all the ARIS community for the continuous support in making all our dreams come true. We have no doubt that the ARIS Eagle will fly to new heights at every opportunity.

All my best

Dr Fatma Odaymat