Home News   Welcome Exchange Students! Groupe Scolaire Les Papillons Bilingual School (French-English) in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

Welcome Exchange Students! Groupe Scolaire Les Papillons Bilingual School (French-English) in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

ARIS is proud to announce that we will host our first batch of “exchange” students. The exchange programme will be with Groupe Scolaire Les Papillons Bilingual School (French-English) in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. The Exchange Programme will be with students in our equivalent classes of year 5 & 6.

Hosting a student means more than providing a bed and a few meals. ARIS families welcomed a new member into their home, sharing their everyday lives, and getting to know one another.

You’ll be surprised at how much you learn about yourself, your family and community by hosting a student from another culture. The aim of this Host Project is to allow the Groupe Scolaire Les Papillons Bilingual School (French-English) in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire students to take part in our classes and activities with ARIS students for 1 week.

The students on both sides will:
• Gaining maturity and autonomy
• Expand geographical knowledge
• Contributing to the mixing of cultures in order to forge friendships
• Contributing to the personal development of the kids


New friends 

Jennah gives Yuxin a new look! 

Jennah & Yuzin waiting to go home

Zaphyr, Malek and Jean David play tennis

Fawaz & Shouraya take a swim while Alankrita hangs poolside 

Aline & Soraya eat tuna sandwiches and salad

Yan & Guest eat dinner 

Trying Indian cuisine, a real Risk-Taker!

Group Photo of Les Papillons Bilingual School Exchange students

A trip to Westhills Mall for a Hindi Film

Indian take out, after the Hindi film

Zaphyr & Jean David at Polo Club

Yan & Guests take a journey to the beach

Beach discovery 

Jennah, Yuxin, Aline, and Soraya cool off in the Movenpic pool

Yuxin uses her English and Math skills to bargain shop for souvenirs 

Girls stop at Burger & Relish for lunch after a long swim

Alan & Bryce hit the zip line at Legon Botanical Garden

Alan & Bryce climb Accra's Eiffel Tower 

Hiking, rock climbing and a swim!