Home News   CAS Service Learning, Togo 2017

CAS Service Learning, Togo 2017







Day 2:
In the morning our students attended classes with French and English speakers from "Arc-en-ceil": French and Maths.
After lunch we went for a tour of Lomé and the students had the occasion to discover some main attractions in Lomé. Our guide, Mr Yaovi explained in detail about the country. We finished the day with a french movie, screened in the secondary school.

Day 3:
The students attended classes during the morning: Physics and Economics. Even if it was hard for them to understand everything, they really did their best to participate, the interactions between ARIS students and the students from "arc-en-ciel" was really interesting. They had a lot in common. After lunch and some rest, we went to the BCEAO center where we played many sportive activities: Basket-ball, Football, Swimming. Finally, we ended the day with an exciting evening Karting.

Day 4:
After breakfast, we went to the local market to buy some souvenirs. The students were really excited about the plan of the afternoon and didn't want to spend to much time at the market. We went back to the boarding school at 10. They couldn't wait to go to "O'lodge". They were very excited.

O'lodge is a water park with many swimming pools and different rides. The park is located on the bank of Togo lake. On this lake, they had the opportunity to kayaking, pedaling and sailing.

We spent 5 hours there and on the way back we stopped at an ice cream shop. The Director of the "arc-en-ciel" school offered ice cream to everybody.

Finally, we ended the day with some games at the primary school. Students from "arc-en-ciel" didn't want to go home and wanted to spend as much time as possible with our students. Because all of them were once my students, their parents allowed them to stay for more and I organised a basketball match.