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Collaboration in PYP

Collaboration in PYP

The four ‘C’ s is an integral part of the PYP. By the four C’s I don’t mean candies, cakes, chocolates and chips! I mean:

  • Collaboration
  • Cooperation
  • Communication
  • Coordination

Everything that is done in the PYP is not done in isolation. Collaboration among the staff is vital to our programme and it has many advantages.

Someone said, “If you give exchange an apple with your friend, you both end up having an apple each, but you exchange an idea and you both end up having two ideas”.

Collaboration brings the team closer and enables us to know our common goals. In ARIS, collaboration takes place weekly. We meet every week, sometimes class wise and sometimes as a whole team. We discuss our class engagements, the way the unit progresses, changes, challenges and how we could make the unit better. Before the unit begins, we collaborate and brain storm where we could take the children for field trips and who could come as guest speakers.

Our Inquiry cycle is a planning of collective efforts and many minds. Then the entire team meets and plans for the transdisciplinary approach of the unit. Single subject teachers, language teachers, art, music, dance, ICT and PE all meet and brain storm, argue, discuss, agree and agree-to-disagree on the upcoming unit. It is a pleasure to see the team work to give their best to the type of unit they would want your children to go through.

We truly believe that we enrich the programme and ourselves when we collaborate, cooperate, communicate and coordinate as a team.

“Great things in business are never done by one person; they're done by a team of people." – Steve Jobs