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Postcard from Lomé

Everything is going well here in Lomé and we would like to update you about the activities. 

Yesterday, the students participated in a CAS activity in a social library (STEJ Center). This center is managed by volunteers and they do a lot of service activities for the community.

One of the activities is the collection of plastic rubbish in the street. They collect it, then separate the "pure water" plastic bags in order to create pencil case, wallet, rucksack, handbag and more. You can find a lot of different places in Lomé where those creations are sold and the money is directly used to run the center.

ARIS students did the collection for over an hour and they visited the place where the recycling objects are created. After that, they spent another hour organising creative activities with the children of the center. This first day was very productive and interesting for them.