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Foundation Story of the Unit Event

The foundation classes climaxed their third Unit with a splendid event based on stories related to the unit. Some of the children acted out the stories to the admiration of their parents. Others chose to narrate the stories after which they engaged in different creative activities with the help of their parents.

The playgroup classes focused on a story by Rod Campbell titled 'Dear Zoo'. Whereas both Nursery A and C focused on the 'Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister, Nursery B had 'The Ant and the Grasshopper' by R.E. Gilmor.

Reception A children and their parents made clay models of different products as they had learnt in the unit. Reception B on the other hand, had their event based on 'The Little Red Hen' by Margot Zemach.

It was a fun filled day for both children and their families.