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CMUNC – An Experience to Remember!

After months of preparation for the Cornell Model United Nations Conference (CMUNC 2017), it was finally here and students were buzzing with excitement! The trip gave our students a taste of New York’s busy lifestyle, a chance to learn about American history, visit places of interest and have loads of fun!

Ready to go sight-seeing

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 

Memorable Moments - Quotes

Madam Tussauds

These ten days passed like a dream. My favourite experience was at Madame Tussauds’ nine floors of wax manikins that looked so lifelike! I saw my favourite celebrities, Johnny Depp and Michael Jackson, and wished Hilary Clinton better luck with a high-five.

-Nouha Hamoui

The UN Headquarters

I did not know what to expect before I visited the UN Headquarters in New York. However, as we toured around the building’s marvellous symbolic statues, and listened to the United Nations’ effort to promote peace, I realized the significance of this prestigious place. I was fascinated by the magnificent gifts that each country had brought to the UN as its symbol of peace.
Bashhar Byrouthy


Museum of Modern Art

The CMUNC trip exceeded my expectations. We visited many places of interest, but as an Art student, I feel in love with the Museum of Modern Art. I met a famous curator and saw remarkable artworks from a range of artists. It was a great trip and I wish I could go back again!

- Elikem Jessica Ogba




Cornell MUN Conference

During the conference, we realized how competitive MUN really is. We began to appreciate the importance of MUN in transforming young people into confident and charismatic leaders, who are knowledgeable and effective communicators. It was fun building a network of friends during unmoderated caucauses, and we were extremely delighted when our bloc’s resolution on refugee crisis passed in SOCHUM.

-Mouayad Toutoungi & Omar Farouk



I did not expect that my experience from CMUNC 2017 and my visit to the states as a whole would greatly influence me to become more independent and responsible as an individual. Despite the fact that each day was packed with so much to do, I had a thrilling experience and discovered myself as an independent learner. I did not anticipate my willingness to move out of my comfort zone to take the first step to socialize with people I had never met before in my committee. Frankly speaking, this trip was simply fascinating!

- Fadwa Baroudi


 In front of Bailey Hall on Cornell University’s campus