Home News   ARIS Presents, A Faithful Adaptation of "MOANA"

ARIS Presents, A Faithful Adaptation of "MOANA"

Where do I start? This was not just another secondary school play, it was magical! The ARIS Performing Arts Department took the first step with open auditions. Calling all musicians, singers, actors, actresses, directors, stage managers, and costume designers. The students came out in numbers and the rest is history. The play was held at the E.T.S Drama Studio, on the Legon University Campus. 

A curious teenager (Moana) sets sail on a courageous mission to save her people. During her journey, Moana meets Maui, a has-been demi God who escorts her in her pursuit to become a way-finder. Together they sail across the ocean with never ending action. They encounter Lava monsters and a Shiny singing Crab. Moana achieves her goal, and finds herself along the way. 

The not so traditional cast proved to be creative and resilient, working tirelessly to bring the show to the stage. The students demonstrated true collaboration and overcame many obstacles before opening night.


Knowing one’s own identity in a multicultural environment foster’s harmony and congenial living. In fostering international mindedness, we choose to stage Disney’s Moana, an animation that reveals to us that what we think we know is not finite, but careful interrogation into life will aid us know that we are all one.

This production is a screen to stage adaptation of Disney’s popular Musical Moana, using the faithful adaptation concept interlaced with improvisation and miming. Some additions and subtractions were done based on the medium and space being used. The total theatre approached was used to achieve this creative piece.


The glamorous beast of blue gently hits the soft shores
And the fishing boats strike the ocean floors
On the sea, the sailors dim away beyond the horizon over the shimmering balmy waters of Motunui
And on the land, the coconuts fall like rain on this fertile land
The island provides us with all our needs
And the large coconut tree feeds
It was on this magnificent land our ancestors resided
And our traditions and customs they provided
They were explorers, discovering lands far and beyond
The sailors and the sea had a loving bond
Our rich dances and tunes stay with us like our shores and oceans
And our beautiful vegetation sustains us like our fishes and boats
It is on this land we retained our glamorous heritage
But when Te fiti’s heart was stolen by Maui, our land was a cage
Our vegetation was dying
Our soil was drying
Our souls were crying
Whiles our leaves and fishes were craving for life
Are we cursed?
or stressed?
But I hear a millennium after,
A brave girl will set out on and adventure
With the demigod Maui
To follow her destiny
And retrieve the heart of Te fiti