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Connecting With Our Neighbourhood

Year 7 visited the Legon Botanical Gardens on the 3rd November, as part of their English unit ‘Connection’. The trip was indeed a very stimulating experience for them; intellectually, socially, and physically as they had the opportunity to connect with nature as well as their friends outside the comfort of their classrooms.

The exercise began with a short educational tour around the Botanical Gardens in which the students learnt about different types of trees, features of the different wildlife to be found on the site etc. They learnt about the site’s planning, where games were played and events held. They showed a sincere interest in many aspects of the tour, especially the anthills.

The most exciting part was when our ‘risk-takers’ overcame their fears as they breezed through the obstacle course on the High Rope. They exerted every muscle in their bodies and manoeuvred strategically with the help of their encouraging companions.

The students displayed responsibility by keeping all their gadgets as close and as safe as possible, and by cleaning up all their litter before boarding the bus back to school. They also showed lovely interpersonal and social skills.

All in all, there was nothing but brilliant happiness and energy exuding from the kids upon their alighting the bus back on campus after this beautiful excursion not half-an-hour away from the school.