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Launching the MYP Workshop

ARIS MYP Facilitators came together during the Mid-Semester break to take a 2 day MYP workshop. The Launching the MYP workshop was a success, the facilitators gained a deep understanding of what the MYP is all about! 

Selected staff at Al-Rayan were chosen for a two-day IBMYP training on the secondary campus, October 26-27, 2017 called, "Launching the MYP", facilitated by Paul Murphy and Charmaine Braden. Over the course of 2 days the workshop covered the following topics:
-creating statements of inquiry
-international mindedness
-personal projects
-collaboration between departments
-differentiated learning, which included learning and practicing multiple teaching strategies
-inquiry-based learning

We worked through the topics in groups using multiple learning strategies - videos, lectures, discussion, presentations, and making posters.

It was a fantastic two days. After the workshop, every single person who attended conveyed they now have a firmer grasp on the MYP programme and how to implement it at Al-Rayan.