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Model United Nations Conference TIS

ARIS MUN club members participated in this year’s TISMUN conference from October 23 -25, 2017. If there were three words to describe TISMUN, it would be ‘Educative, Amusing, and Sociable’. Delegates had the opportunity to debate, lobby and draft resolutions in a variety of committees including the Internal Criminal Court of Justice, World Health Organisation, UN Peace Building, and International Telecommunications Union among others.

My TISMUN Experience
(Anoushka Chavan)
The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice… by Brian Herbert
I happened to stumble upon this quote during my research and told myself that if I make any mistakes during this conference, I will choose to learn from it. And that is how my journey in my first ever formal conference began.
The first thing I learnt was the importance of getting to know you’re committee members. This doesn’t only help you with lobbying and merging resolutions but also expanding your horizons and knowing more about other countries. I approached the Delegates of Canada and Sweden and shared with them Russia’s stand on the topic with all the confidence and courage I had. Then we drafted our resolution as we agreed with each other’s stand, with me as the Co-submitter. I was very content with our resolution and it passed! That was my first achievement in MUN. Lastly, I was proud to have won the best write-up for the conference.

(Anha Chaudry, Year 7)
It was a very interesting and unique conference, especially since it was my first experience in MUN. I had fun! The fact that I had the opportunity and experience to debate and share my country’s opinion was appealing
(Hiba Karroum, Year 7)
It was a challenging because I was one of the youngest delegates with little experience, but it was fun! I would encourage a lot students to join MUN because the topics discussed in my committee exposed me to many issues around the world.
(Riwa Mattouk, Year 9)
TISMUN was a great experience, and a memorable conference. I enjoyed debating on the topics in my committee and met delegates from other international schools. We had a lot of fun.
(Yasmin Alfa, Year 10)
We were able to cover all our topics and have fun at the same time. The conference elaborated on issues that I had superficial ideas on, and enabled me to appreciate other countries’ views and perspectives on some topics. All in all, it was certainly a wonderful learning experience.
(Catherine Kassar, Year 11)
It was a fruitful learning experience, and I got to debate on pressing global issues with like-minded delegates. I made new friends and hope to keep in touch with them

(Rashida Hassan, Year 11)
TISMUN was an enjoyable experience. Looking back, I believe I communicated effectively and considered different perspectives on crucial global issues. I can’t wait to attend my next conference.
(Rama El-Hassan, Year 11)
TISMUN has awakened a passion to move into law! It has motivated me to learn more about international laws, stand up for what is right, and condemn what is wrong. At the end of the conference, I was voted as the most passionate delegate in the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
(Fidaus Alfa, Year 11)
Overall, the conference was an amazing experience! I enjoyed the topics for debate and learnt that the rules of procedure change in the ICJ.
(Trevor Canfor-Dumas, Year 9)
First, I would like to thank TIS for hosting this conference. The food was great and I made good friends in my committee. Personally, it has been a wonderful experience, considering it was my first conference as a new delegate.
(Naimah Abdul, Year 7)
The TIS conference was a very interesting exciting and educational event. I learnt a lot of things that increased my knowledge about the world and Model UN. On the first day, I was very excited and nerve-wracking as my draft resolution was very.... drafty. It was the first day of my first ever conference so I didn’t know what to expect and I felt nervous. I learnt a lot from our unmoderated caucus about the legalization of abortion, and got the chance to present my draft resolution on the third day. I really had a memorable experience thanks to our Directors, Mme. Dorinda and Mr. Ishmael.
(Anik Mukherjee, Year 10)
Although TISMUN was my second conference, I learnt so much. I have come to appreciate the fact that we have all a role to play in addressing global issues. Through this conference I have become more confident and knowledgeable about MUN procedures, and hope to become a chair in my next local conference.



ARIS MUN Students traveled to Tema Intl. School to participate in the MUN Conference. 

TISMUN’17 Committees and Topics

United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
• The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age
• The question of eradicating forced labor and improving rights of migrant workers
• Feminism : The bane of culture or the prerequisite for economic development

United Nations Peace Building Commission (UNPBC)
• Maintaining World peace in stabilizing relations between North Korea and U.S
• The threat of social media to world peace: Combating ISIS’ influence on social media
• The question of U.S involvement in the looming Venezuelan dictatorship

Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)
• The production of nuclear weapons: A defensive measure or a destructive choice
• Demilitarization of the South China Sea
• Combating the threat of Islamic State Sleeper Cells

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
• The Rwandan Genocide: A blessing or curse for Economic Innovation
• Promoting Economic integration of indigenous people
• Implementing the Circular Economy model to build economic, natural and social capital.

World Health Organization (WHO)
• The issue of harmful cultural practices and its effects on health
• Inflated prices and patents on life saving drugs
• Upgrading emergency response systems to enhance healthcare delivery

General Assembly ( GA )
• Crypto currencies and their effects on Global Trade and Finance
• Sustainable Cities: To what extent can they reduce the effect of Climate Change?
• Promoting Journalistic safety and Press freedom in the Middle East

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
• Employing Artificial Intelligence to advance Human Rights and Development
• Ensuring Cyber Safety in the Telecommunication Industry
• Project Loon: How viable is it in reaching global internet connection?

International Court of Justice (ICJ)
• Space Exploration: Who owns rights to space resources ?(Advisory Opinion)
• Ukraine Vs. Russia Federation : The issue of Financing terrorism and the violation of Human Rights (Advisory Opinion)