Home News   Year 4 PYP Students UOI Migration and the World

Year 4 PYP Students UOI Migration and the World

Year 4 ARIS Eagles are learning about migration and the world. To further their inquiry they went on a field trip to the International Organization for Migration here in Accra, Dzorwulu https://www.iom.int/
The topics that were presented and discussed with the IOM staff were the following:
- Risks, challenges and opportunities of migration
- Refugees in Ghana
- Our responsibilities towards refugees
- The return of highly skilled Ghanaian migrants to Ghana and their contributions in making their country a better place

ARIS Eagles also presented to the IOM staff their thoughts on the challenges, risks and opportunities of migration after reading and discussing several case studies in class. These case studies were actually sent by IOM staff to our Eagles to work on one week before their trip to their headquarters.

At ARIS we believe that it takes a village to raise a child and collaborating with the community is paramount in achieving excellence in education. We would like to thank the IOM staff for all their support in helping us educate global citizens who are creative, resilient and socially responsible students able to take initiatives, and endowed with the knowledge, skills and global awareness necessary to become active contributors to the global community.

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