Home News   Applauding Our Hindi Students’ Performance at India House- Happy Independence Day India!

Applauding Our Hindi Students’ Performance at India House- Happy Independence Day India!

Applauding Our Hindi Students’ Performance at India House- Happy Independence Day India!

A colorful and vibrant celebration of India’s Independence Day was hosted on 15th August 2017, by the Indian High Commission of Ghana at India house. The event begun with the flag hosting ceremony by Mr. M. J Akbar, India’s Honorable Minister of State for External Affairs and His Excellency Birender Singh Yadav India’s the High Commissioner to Ghana. This was then followed by speeches, and beautiful performances.

ARIS’s eagles were invited to perform at this event, and they made us proud! With a dance performance in the form of a drama skit, ARIS’s Little Eagles, danced with passion and zeal. The dance portrayed a timeline of India’s struggle for Independence and its successful freedom. Well done to our Hindi Students! 

We would like to wish all our Indian parents and supporters a Happy Independence Day from Aris!