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Friends Make Our Lives Brighter- Our Reception Eagles do Surveys on Friendship

Earlier this week, our reception students moved around the school to carry out surveys on friendship. The Big Idea for the Reception class this semester is “Friendship”, and this week, they were focusing on: places where we can make friends, and why our friends are special to us. The students brainstormed ahead of their research, and came up with ideas galore- they said they could make friends in the playground, in the library, in the office, and at home too. The research involved inquiry-based learning methods of moving around the primary campus and speaking to different people, inquiring about what friendship meant to them, what it would take for them to be their friends, why their friends were special to them, and how to be better friends overall. 

In the process of their research, the students passed by the Head of School’s office, where they questioned Dr Fatma, the Director of Schools, and Ms Sandeepa, the Head of PYP. Here, they were intrigued by the coloured ‘thinking hats’ hanging on the wall, and asked questions about them. They even tried them on! They also visited the admissions’ office, where they interviewed Ms Dayna, and enjoyed sticker treats! Who knew research could be so much fun!