Home News   Meet Sara Mattouk, the girl behind ARIS News

Meet Sara Mattouk, the girl behind ARIS News

Sara Mattouk, is a Year 1o student at ARIS, and is the face of ARIS News (our weekly updates on the happenings at our campuses, with our students and events).
Here is a little bit about Sara- Sara is interested in hospitality and wants her career to focus on something that combines hospitality and business, “maybe a teacher or hotel manager” she said. Sara started being interested in journalism when she joined a club for it- the club slowly died out, but she liked it so much that she kept at it with another faculty member, Mr. Tee, where she reported on the happenings around the world, and in Africa.

Two months ago, Sara started working with Reshma our Communications officer to focus on ARIS happenings, which are posted on all ARIS social media sites- Sara loves that her efforts are being recognized, “I am truly part of a bigger team now, having meetings, interviewing people, it is fun,” she said.

Sara has a lot of different things she is interested in, however, her love for reporting and journalism has grown vastly in the past year, and even though she doesn’t intend to pursue journalism as a career, she enjoys it, and hopes to continue with it as a side passion no matter where she goes. Kudos Sara!