Home News   New ARIS Canteen Service, Introducing: Wholesome Craft

New ARIS Canteen Service, Introducing: Wholesome Craft

With the health and nutrition of all our students and staff at the forefront of our minds we have opted to bring in the best in school lunch catering, Wholesome Craft.

Nutrition is critically important for children since it is directly linked to all aspects of their growth and development that have direct relations to their level of health as adults. Schools can intervene to provide proper nutrition for children and to develop healthy eating habits and positive attitude towards food.

Wholesome Craft is a newly established company in Ghana that aims to compile all the aspects of a healthy lifestyle among all age groups. It started as an in-house idea to provide healthy, balanced and calorie-counted meals under the supervision of “Lina Wolley”, specialized in nutrition and clinical dietitian. 

Wholesome Craft has expanded its operation to cater for educational institutions. It gives us the pleasure to collaborate with one of the top schools in Ghana, ARIS that is complementing the highest educational levels with healthy food by providing a daily fresh and balanced meal.

Our menu is designed to meet all essential needed nutrients focusing on using natural and unprocessed raw materials.