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DIY Projects

DIY Projects are a big trend of this day and age. Its so creative and interactive and you can’t help but feel so proud of the end product of it all, thinking you were the one that assembled it from start to finish. The spirit of ‘Do-it-yourself’ projects lie in that!

A look into Mr. Tee’s ‘Design’ class in Year 8 gives an exciting look into DIY Projects among the students. The topic surrounding it is about why particular products are designed in a certain way, what makes a product unique and what it intrinsically it. What makes it or what could possible make it even more effective? This is especially with regard to the advancement of technology and increasing efficiency.

This project is focused mainly on four different elements – a motorbike helmet, a house, a car, and finally a motorbike itself. With the help of Mr. Tee and Youtube, the pupils can pick any one of the four and assemble it using recyclable materials, with a specific motivation and explanation backing up their picks and their designs. For example, the motivation behind making a DIY House is to make it completely disability friendly. This is so that people with disability can be completely mobile within the house. If the children use a slope, an elevator or anything in the design of the house, they must back it up with an explanation in their subsequent report. Talk about creativity and social responsibility!

The joy of seeing these students grow into creative, forward thinking and responsible young adults, is truly unmatched. Stay tuned to see these projects soon! I know I’m excited.