Home News   Year 1 2D and 3D Shapes

Year 1 2D and 3D Shapes

Our Year 1 students face more challenges than any other student their age, with the PYP. I know, I did not get into this level of work when I was in Year 1. Our Year 1 learners used straws to build 2D and 3D shapes.

They were given a time and platform to experiment and play with the straws before actually moving on to the project. The students worked in pairs so that they could learn from each other and collaborate as they excitedly tried different strategies to build something that stood. All of them were finally able to make 3D Cubes with straws, which stood on its own.

From there, they learnt with each of the shapes they made, the different corners and sides. It was a great opportunity for them to discuss and experiment. DIY for the win!