Home News   ARIS Performs at India House, Independence Day

ARIS Performs at India House, Independence Day

15th of August was the Indian Independence Day, and as per our annual tradition, ARIS went to perform at India House for the Independence Day. ARIS is a diverse and multicultural community, so taking part in various cultural and international events, and hosting some of them in our own campus, is imperative to spread cultural awareness and international mindedness.

This morning, we went to India House to catch our students’ performance. There were 2 speeches, one contemporary dance and one satirical skit. Two of our students gave a speech of what they feel about India, living in Ghana, and explaining the performances that would follow them, in both English and Hindi (Hindi is also one of our languages taught at ARIS).

India’s Agrarian sector is an important part of the economy, nevertheless, the Farmers plight is a major social issue; along the line of the farmers issues, there was a contemporary dance by our little ones representing how city dwellers are wasting produce and food, and how farmers on the rural side are struggling to go day by day and are affected by this.

The last performance was by a group of students acting out a satire skit on “Sholay” called “Gabbar is back!” Sholay is one of the most popular films in Indian cinema, with an almost cult-like following, with one of the main villain characters named – Gabbar! The skit is on the issue of Smartphone addition, which is quite relevant to some of the issues in today’s smart phone laced society.

Of course, being PYP Students, they have to do performances and skits that spread positive messages and sheds awareness to social and global issues!

Happy Independence Day India!