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Basketball Game On!

This week brought back our Co-curricular activities for this Academic Year 2018/19. Aside from our large number of Co-curricular offerings from Musical Instruments (Violin, Piano…) to Theatre and Performing Arts, to Sports, to Gymnastics, MUN and more, there are also new co-curricular activities introduced this year.

One in particular, is Basketball! With the construction of our Basketball Court this summer, we got a Professional Basketball Coach, Mr. Francis Lamptey. He is currently completing a Basketball Training Course at Ashesi!

Quite a few students, with a mix of boys and girls showed up to the first practice on Monday. Soon enough, with feedback, we are sure that there will be more sign-ups for both Girls and Boys Basketball Teams. They learnt how to do jump shots, and some other basketball playing strategies.

Quite exciting! Soon, you will be able to see an ARIS Basketball Team too, we hope!