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Deck the Hallways and be Inspired tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!

Deck the hallways and be inspired tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!

This Academic Year 2018-19 is off to a good start as we are still settling in, and our hallways are decked with inspirational posters and quotes for our students. Frankly, it helps all of us go about our day!

Just outside our Director, and Head of School’s Office at Secondary are two photographs of our last two IBDP Graduates of 2017 and 2018, our Golden Eagles. Seeing their elated faces, gives our often exhausted IBDP Students something to look forward to!

Along the hallways is a huge bulletin board with a message that states – “Some kids are Smarter than you, some kids have Cooler Clothes than you, some kids are better at Sports than you. IT DOESN’T MATTER! You have your thing too. Be the kid who can get along, who is generous, be the kid who is happy for others, who does the right thing. BE THE NICE KID!” There’s other bulletin boards along the hallway that says “Change your Words, Change your Mind”, from “I made a mistake” to “Mistakes help me improve”; “This is too hard” to “This may take some extra time and effort”; “I give up” to “I’ll use some of the strategies I’ve learnt”; “I’m awesome at this” to “I’m on the right track”.

With our new MYP Coordinator, Ms. Barbara Bilgre (see bio), she has put a whiteboard on the MYP Hallway with “MYP Question of the Week”. This week it is “What does ARIS Cares mean to you?” open for everyone to answer, there’s answers like “Connecting, Loving, Sharing, Growing together”, “Service Learning” and also “it means that we as a community and ARIS Family can count on each other and be respectful”.

Other than that, there’s little flags lined up to emphasize on ARIS’ Diverse community, and plants, that adds color and life to our school hallways.

All of these little pops of color, and big inspirational bulletin boards, and the little writings on the whiteboard, spread positivity along the hallways. It gives students and faculty something to smile about as we go about our busy days. Like they say, a positive environment promotes positive thinking!