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Happy Birthday to ARIS!

This Academic Year (2018/2019), we are all celebrating ARIS’ 15th Anniversary! The theme of our 15th Anniversary is ARIS Cares, where we will give back to the community that we are all a part of. Additionally, we also have a 15th Anniversary Gala Dinner that will be a fundraiser for various ARIS Cares Projects! Details of all these plans to come in due time! In the ARIS Communication Team, we trust :D !

When we started our new Academic Year and through our gates, came our students again, the PYP Students were given a task by our PYP Coordinator, Mme. Sandeepa. In the Welcome Back Assembly, upon explaining that this year, ARIS turns 15 years old, Mme. Sandeepa told our students to make a wish for ARIS, like they would make a birthday wish for themselves and their parents, and write it on a sheet of paper.

Whichever wish was the most creative and the most innovative, would thus go up on the ARIS’ 15th Anniversary Bulletin Board, with the 15 Candles. A few weeks later, the wishes have come through on the Bulletin Board, and they’re a pleasure to read!

Let’s look at a couple of them, shall we? “Happy Birthday ARIS, I hope your wishes come true and you save the world”; “I wish ARIS will be a successful school, so it will go worldwide and be very educational”; “I wish you a long and happy school year and many more years to come, may you become more loving, caring and passionate each year”; “I wish your school will go through many generations”; “I wish ARIS lots of successful Academic Years and money”; “May God bless all the Teachers at ARIS, who made it such a successful school, I love you ARIS”; “ARIS has quality, patience and love for children, may God keep you all healthy and strong”.

Like so, there are a multitude of wishes, it’s comforting to know that we are in a sea of well-wishers who wish to see ARIS go the long haul, and we assure you we will! We hope to celebrate our 15th Year with gratitude and giving back to our communities; and we hope to keep growing to Inspire, Empower and Transform!